Press Releases

Congressman Jason Smith Statement on the President’s Keystone XL Veto

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Washington, DC, February 24, 2015 | comments

Today, Congressman Jason Smith (R-Salem, MO) issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s veto of the Keystone XL pipeline:

“I’m deeply disappointed that President Obama vetoed the bipartisan Keystone XL project which would have created over 40,000 American jobs. This bill was about providing jobs, energy independence, and the optimism that comes from knowing your government is working for you, not against you. Instead, the president sided with radical environmentalists instead of the American people, and he continues to push an extreme environmental agenda that hurts rural America. This is just one more example of the my-way-or-the-highway attitude we’ve come to expect from President Obama. So far his talk about working together has been just that, talk.”


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