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Celebrating National FFA Week

February 14, 2025

Agriculture has always been an important part of my life, just like it has been for so many in southeast…

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Smith: President Trump Trade Order Helps Deliver American Workers and Manufacturers a Level Playing Field

February 13, 2025

WASHINGTON – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (Mo.) issued the following statement after President Trump signed an executive…

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Smith Statement on Tulsi Gabbard’s Confirmation as Director of National Intelligence

February 12, 2025

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) released the following statement after the U.S. Senate confirmed Tulsi Gabbard, an…

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Over the past week, the Democrats’s outrage over spending cuts proves exactly why America is nearly $37 trillion in debt.

Americans are sick and tired of funding the global DEI agenda and Elon Musk is putting an end to it. In the process, this will save taxpayers billions.
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128 CommentsComment on Facebook

Those that scream the loudest are the most complicit in the crime. If half of what is being reported is true, the size of the malfeasance and corruption is something we haven’t seen in the history of the United States. 

Where is the proof? Where are the audit reports ? And I don't mean a tweet with some BS spin on it. We absolutely should reel in spending...we absolutely should know exactly where our taxes go. But this approach is reckless (and illegal). People you represent, Mr Smith, will be harmed by this and you cheer.

I notice all the comments are Liberals. Give it up. You lost. Let the Patriots have a chance before you complain.

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American workers and manufacturers have an ally in the White House.

It hasn’t even been a month, yet President Trump has taken several bold actions to fight for Americans and deliver on an America First Trade Policy.
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102 CommentsComment on Facebook

Trump’s trade policies are not well thought out and are dangerous to our economy. Rep Smith, who represents one of the poorest districts in America.

Great job!!! He has accomplished more in a few weeks, than the last guy did in 4 years!! And he has already held more press conferences and answered more (adhoc) questions and given transparency, than the last 4 years!!!

Thank you for keeping us informed.👍

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When it comes to America’s trade relationships, we must look at every avenue – including reciprocity – to ensure that U.S. interests are treated fairly.

President Trump and congressional Republicans are working tirelessly to restore American leadership by standing up for working families, farmers, and small businesses here at home and in markets around the world.
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58 CommentsComment on Facebook

Why wouldn't you step across the aisle and try to work with your peers?

You are nothing but a tool for a disgraceful administration!

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President Trump understands that American workers and manufacturers can outcompete those of any other nation.

But for far too long they have been held back by a lack of reciprocity because other countries impose much higher tariffs and other barriers than the United States imposes on imports.

President Trump’s Executive Order helps deliver a level playing field for American workers and manufacturers.
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66 CommentsComment on Facebook

We cannot compete with foreign countries because they don’t have the labor laws and rules that we do. They can make it so cheap that even the shipping cost doesn’t make it more expensive.

It will bring businesses back.

So you're raising my taxes.

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Today, the House passed a bill to protect our nation’s border patrol and law enforcement officers.

The Agent Raul Gonzalez Officer Safety Act imposes more severe penalties on illegal aliens who flee or harm border patrol and law enforcement officers.

House Republicans are taking action to defend those working to secure our border.
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33 CommentsComment on Facebook

Can house republicans take action to get us healthcare?

Rep Smith is NOT protecting farmers. He says he is a Farmer and a Rancher. lol DC is his home.

Why can't I view all comments???

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Time to Make America Healthy Again.
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Time to Make America Healthy Again.

85 CommentsComment on Facebook

It's funny that out of all these terrible picks, Matt Gaetz was the only one that got blocked. They must just really hate Matt Gaetz.

Praise the Lord!!

Sad, Sad, Sad day. Another goofball picked by Trump to run an important agency. America will regret this appointment.

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Chairman Smith Opening Statement: Markup of H.R. 1155, H.R. 997, H.R. 998, H.R. 1152, and H.R. 1156

Jason Smith

Jason Smith is a 7th generation Missourian, a 4th generation owner of his family’s farm, a citizen-legislator, and a champion for the rights and values of rural Missourians.

Jason chairs the Ways and Means Committee – the oldest committee in Congress. He became the youngest Ways and Means Chairman since before the Civil War and the first Missourian to lead the Committee since John Phelps – the namesake of Missouri’s Phelps County – in 1859.

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