Press Releases

U.S. Rep Jason Smith's IRS OWES Act to rein in IRS, defund Obamacare is passed by the Ways and Means Committee

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Washington, DC, April 13, 2016 | comments
Today, the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee passed Congressman Jason Smith’s bill, H. R. 4885, the IRS Oversight While Eliminating Spending (OWES) Act. Smith’s bill will provide Congress and the American public with greater oversight with regards to how the IRS is spending valuable taxpayer resources.
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U.S. Rep. Jason Smith’s IRS OWES Act to rein in IRS, defund Obamacare is passed by the Ways and Means Committee

Today, the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee passed Congressman Jason Smith’s bill, H. R. 4885, the IRS Oversight While Eliminating Spending (OWES) Act. Smith’s bill will provide Congress and the American public with greater oversight with regards to how the IRS is spending valuable taxpayer resources.

The IRS collects roughly $500 million in User Fees annually. In 2015 the IRS cut by 73% the amount of User Fees they were using to help provide services directly to taxpayers. Instead of using this money to reduce wait times and improve responsiveness to the American public, the IRS is dedicating $200 million towards technology to help implement Obamacare mandates.

During the Ways and Means committee mark-up of his legislation, Smith stated, “The IRS has not proven to this committee, they have not proven to the Missourians I represent, and they have not proven to the American people that they are responsible stewards of user fees.”

Smith went on to say, “This bill is about liberty, it’s about freedom and it is about exerting the Article I  power of the purse given to Congress by the Constitution, and making sure that unelected bureaucrats are not spending money improperly and unwisely. “

Congressman Smith’s IRS OWES Bill is part of a package of proposals, passed during “Tax Week” by The Ways and Means Committee, to hold the IRS more accountable to the American people.

This bill will now advance to The House Floor where it is projected to come up for a vote in front of the Full House next week.

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