Press Releases

Smith's Statement on Supreme Court's Decision to Block Obama's Unconstitutional Executive Amnesty

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Washington, DC, June 23, 2016 | comments

Congressman Jason Smith (MO-8) issued the following statement today after the Supreme Court blocked President Obama’s plan to issue executive amnesty to five million illegal aliens in the United States v. Texas case.

“Today’s decision is a victory for the American people and the Constitution. In March 2016 I helped file a court brief in support of the state of Texas in their suit against the president's illegal mass amnesty. The president has continually used regulations and executive orders to go around Congress in order to fulfill his own agenda against the will of the American people. Article I of the Constitution clearly states that only Congress has the power to write legislation, not the president.  Obama’s use of executive orders to grant amnesty to illegal aliens is a clear violation of Article I of the Constitution. The Supreme Court decision today reaffirms the power to legislate back to its rightful place in Congress. I will continue to use the powers granted to me by Article I of the Constitution to protect the people I represent from unchecked executive abuses.”

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