Press Releases

Congressman Smith recognized by American Conservative Union for Consistent Conservative Record

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Washington, DC, July 6, 2016 | comments

Congressman Jason Smith Recognized by American Conservative Union for Consistent Conservative Record

American Conservative Union is leading, oldest, and most trusted voice in Advancing Conservatism

Today, Congressman Jason Smith received an award from the American Conservative Union (ACU) for his conservative voting record and advancement of conservative policies and principles. The American Conservative Union is the leading and most respected group evaluating the Conservative record of Members of Congress and honoring those who uphold the principles of expanding personal liberties and freedoms. Representative Smith received the highest conservative score among the members of the Missouri delegation.

Upon receiving the award, Smith said, “It is humbling to be honored simply for voting the way the folks of southeast and south central Missouri would come to expect. The individual freedoms and our way of life I am fighting for are what folks sent me here to do. Smith continued, “We are under a constant assault from the liberal left trying to grow government and take away constitutionally protected rights from the small business owners, farmers and families of Missouri. I will continue to fight for the folks back home against an ever growing government trying to regulate every aspect of our lives.”

The American Conservative Union is the leading voice in providing conservative positions and advancing a conservative agenda in Congress. ACU honors those Members of Congress who have pledged to uphold conservative values and actually then backed up those words with actions. The American Conservative Union celebrates the legacy of Ronald Reagan by supporting policies and leaders in Congress who support economic growth through less taxes, balanced budgets, reductions in regulations and cutting federal spending. Additionally, ACU supports Members who advance measures to protect the 2nd Amendment, grow religious freedoms and individual liberties while also supporting an increase in the integrity and transparency of government.  

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