Press Releases

Congressman Jason Smith Sworn Into the 115th Congress

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Washington, DC, January 3, 2017 | comments

Congressman Jason Smith Sworn Into the 115th Congress

Today, Congressman Jason Smith was sworn into the 115th Congress. This is the start of his second full term representing the Eighth Congressional District of Missouri and the 30 counties it encompasses across southeastern and south central Missouri.

“It is an incredible honor to represent the hardworking families, farmers and small business owners of southeast and south central Missouri before the United States Congress and I will continue to be a strong advocate for rural values, conservative principles and protecting our way of life here in Missouri.” said Congressman Smith, adding, "I firmly believe the needs of American families and workers are finally going to be put before the needs of bureaucrats in Washington and the “Washington knows best” mentality that has been in place for the past 8 years under the Obama Administration has finally come to an end. As we begin work in the 115th Congress along-side the new Trump Administration, I look forward to having a federal government that works for the American people, not against them.”

For the 115th Congress U.S. Representative Smith was elected by his peers to serve as Conference Secretary. Congressman Smith will use this role as a platform to be a strong advocate for holding government and Washington accountable to the folks of Missouri. Smith will be working alongside the Trump Administration to advance policies to increase personal liberties, grow the economy, bring back consumer choice in the healthcare marketplace and reduce the tax burden on American families.  

During his time in Congress, Smith has lead the charge to protect American taxpayers from an ever expanding executive branch and its assault on rural America. In January 2016, Smith’s Searching for and Cutting Regulations that Unnecessarily Burdensome (SCRUB) Act passed the U.S. House of Representatives with bipartisan support to bring more accountability to government by eliminating and removing outdated federal regulations estimated to impose nearly a $1.86 trillion burden on Americans. In March 2016, the U.S. House of Representatives passed Smith’s bill, the IRS Oversight While Eliminating Spending (OWES) Act to rein in the IRS by providing Congress and the American public with greater oversight and transparency as to how the IRS is spending taxpayer dollars.

"I will continue to lead the charge on reigning in big government regulations and out-of-touch policies to provide relief for the families and businesses that power the economy of southeast and south central Missouri; as well as fight to overturn Obamacare and support a healthcare system that provides Americans with fair, open, transparent and affordable healthcare coverage they desperately want and deserve," stated Congressman Smith.

Congressman Smith will also continue to serve on the influential Ways and Means Committee in the 115th Congress which has jurisdiction over federal healthcare, taxation and trade policy. In addition to repealing the disastrous Obamacare, the Ways and Means Committee will also be charged with reviewing current international Trade Agreements and producing a simpler, fairer, and flatter tax system that gets the IRS off the back and out of the lives of American families and farmers.

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