Weekly Capitol Report

Capitol Report: A Plan for Economic Growth and American Jobs

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Washington, DC, February 21, 2014 | comments

A few weeks ago, President Obama challenged Congress to make 2014 a “year of action.” I am hopeful 2014 can be a year to begin rebuilding America’s economy to create an environment that encourages private sector growth and job creation. Conservatives in the House of Representatives have a plan that lays the groundwork for a stronger economy and brighter future for all Americans.

The Plan for Economic Growth and American Jobs will put our nation on the right path. The plan calls for:

Reducing Regulatory Burdens: Nothing kills jobs faster than a Washington regulation. Regulations and red tape need to be eliminated so America’s entrepreneurial spirit can thrive.

Energy Independence: Adopting an “all of the above” approach to America’s energy production needs that includes coal-fired power plants. By unleashing our nation’s vast natural resources with safe, domestic energy sources, American manufacturing will see a boost and energy will be more affordable for everyone.

Lowering Health Care Costs and Bolstering Research: ObamaCare needs to be completely repealed and replaced with patient-centered, private sector healthcare options. The focus should be on improving care and driving down healthcare costs that burden individuals, families and seniors.

Expanding Education Opportunities: Parents, teachers and local school boards are best equipped to determine curriculum needs for students kindergarten through high school. Congress can encourage students by improving access to vocational training, community colleges and traditional universities.

Simplifying the Tax Code: The federal tax code is too complex. A simpler, flatter tax code without loopholes will be fairer for everyone and will bring jobs back to America.

Controlling Spending: Ending wasteful Washington spending will strengthen priorities like Medicare for future generations. The first bill I filed as a Member of Congress was a Balanced Budget Amendment. It’s time for Congress to pay down our $17 trillion national debt to preserve the American Dream for future generations.

These conservative solutions will foster economic growth and encourage businesses to grow and create new jobs. Some of the solutions are simple, some will require tough choices and a little common sense. These solutions can turn 2014 into a “year of action” and expand economic growth, without expanding the size of the federal government.


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