The problems with President Obama’s healthcare mandate never seem to end. Families and individuals in Missouri are experiencing huge increases in their monthly premiums. The doctor-patient relationship that is so essential for quality care is being harmed by bureaucratic hurdles and increasing paperwork. Workers are seeing reduced hours because of the 30-hour rule contained in ObamaCare that requires employers with 50 or more workers to provide health insurance for any employee who works 30 or more hours a week. This week, the House of Representatives took action to correct the 30-hour rule and save American jobs.
The Save American Workers Act that sailed through the House this week will repeal ObamaCare’s 30-hour rule. A recent study by the Hoover Institution estimated that the 30-hour work rule could cost as many as 2.6 million American jobs. Worse yet, poor Americans will feel the pain of the rule more than most. The same Hoover Institution study predicted that 89% of the workers negatively impacted by the 30-work rule would be workers without colleges degrees and 63% of those negatively impacted would be female workers. By restoring the 40-hour work week we can prevent all workers from losing hours, wages and opportunities.
Support for eliminating the 30-hour work rule has been strong and bipartisan. There are 190 Members of Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, who have cosponsored the Save American Workers Act to eliminate the rule. Employer groups like the National Federation of Independent Businesses and U.S. Chamber of Commerce also support eliminating the rule. Teamsters’ President Jimmy Hoffa has said the 30-hour work rule will “destroy the foundation of the 40-hour work week that has been the backbone of the American Middle Class.” It’s rare to have Jimmy Hoffa and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce agreeing on policy, but it also speaks to the importance of saving American jobs.
Make no mistake, I will keep fighting to fully repeal ObamaCare. The Save American Workers Act will not fix every problem with the Obama healthcare mandate, but it will immediately save millions of Americans’ jobs and it will help families who are struggling to make ends meet. Our nation's healthcare system still needs major reform. Healthcare needs to be affordable and accessible. Patients should be empowered and not overburdened with rules and financial penalties from Washington. We need smart reform that enacts medical liability reform, allows individuals to purchase health insurance across state lines, expands personal health savings accounts and ensures access for people with pre-existing conditions. ObamaCare must be repealed and replaced with free-market reforms.