Press Releases

Congressman Jason Smith Releases Statement on Sending Obamacare Repeal to President's Desk

Representative Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement after the House of Representatives sent the Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act to the President’s desk

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Washington, DC, January 6, 2016 | comments

“For the first time since Obamacare was signed into law without a single Republican vote, Congress has now sent a repeal bill to the President’s desk.

Today I voted to dismantle Obamacare, fully defund Planned Parenthood, and reduce the deficit by $516 billion.

If the President honors the will of the American people and signs this bill, Americans would finally have relief from the major tax increases included in Obamacare including the individual mandate, employer mandate, Cadillac tax, medical device tax, and the health information technology tax. Businesses would be free from unnecessary and confusing regulatory requirements.

Importantly this bill fully defunds Planned Parenthood and their immoral and atrocious acts.

Individuals should have the ability to choose their own doctor. They should be able to purchase affordable, high-quality health care insurance that provides a safety net for their family.  If President Obama refuses to accept changes to his namesake healthcare law, he will show that he cares more about protecting his legacy than fixing access to healthcare in this country.

On its way to the White House for presidential signature or veto, this bill forces the president to answer the question, “Whose best interest do you have at heart...the American people or your own?” 

“For the first time since Obamacare was signed into law without a single Republican vote, Congress has now sent a repeal bill to the President’s desk.

Today I voted to dismantle Obamacare, fully defund Planned Parenthood, and reduce the deficit by $516 billion.

If the President honors the will of the American people and signs this bill, Americans would finally have relief from the major tax increases included in Obamacare including the individual mandate, employer mandate, Cadillac tax, medical device tax, and the health information technology tax. Businesses would be free from unnecessary and confusing regulatory requirements.

Importantly this bill fully defunds Planned Parenthood and their immoral and atrocious acts.

Individuals should have the ability to choose their own doctor. They should be able to purchase affordable, high-quality health care insurance that provides a safety net for their family.  If President Obama refuses to accept changes to his namesake healthcare law, he will show that he cares more about protecting his legacy than fixing access to healthcare in this country.

On its way to the White House for presidential signature or veto, this bill forces the president to answer the question, “Whose best interest do you have at heart...the American people or your own?” 

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