Press Releases

Congressman Smith Visits Marler Farms

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Lodi, MO, August 4, 2016 | comments
Congressman Jason Smith visited Marler Farms in Lodi to view the farm operations and speak with owners Steve and Cassie Marler and their daughters Jenna and Carli about the cattle and timber industries and the issues they are facing.
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Lodi, MO –  Congressman Jason Smith visited Marler Farms in Lodi to view the farm operations and speak with owners Steve and Cassie Marler and their daughters Jenna and Carli about the cattle and timber industries and the issues they are facing.

After the visit, Smith commented, “From timber to cattle, the Marler Family exemplifies farming as a way of life in rural Missouri. The whole family is involved in the day-to-day operations and Steve and Cassie use the experience and responsibilities on their farm to raise their three daughters. As someone who was raised in rural Missouri,  I understand the values of hard work, dedication, and perseverance that the Marler's are instilling in their daughters. They are great people, and I really enjoyed spending time with them and learning about their operations.”

The Marlers farm over 800 acres of land in Wayne County, approximately 500 acres of which they own and the rest they manage. For the Marler family, farming is their part time job and timber is their primary work. They have 160 angus cattle that they feed using a rotational grazing system. In 2013, the Marlers were selected as the Wayne County Missouri State Fair Farm Family by the Wayne County Extension Council and the local Farm Bureau.

Congressman Smith is spending two weeks visiting different farming operations throughout southeast and south central Missouri. He will cover nearly 3,000 miles while crisscrossing all 30 counties in Missouri’s 8th District. In addition to hearing directly from the families and farmers about the operations they are running, the farm tour will also highlight the diversity, importance and prominence of agriculture in Missouri’s 8th Congressional District.

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