Press Releases

Congressman Jason Smith Visits Brixey Dairy Farm

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Norwood, MO, August 2, 2016 | comments
Yesterday, Congressman Jason Smith visited Brixey Dairy Farm in Norwood to view the farm operations and speak with owner James Brixey and his wife Jana about the dairy industry and the issues they are facing.
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Norwood, MO –  Yesterday, Congressman Jason Smith visited Brixey Dairy Farm in Norwood to view the farm operations and speak with owner James Brixey and his wife Jana about the dairy industry and the issues they are facing.

During the visit, Smith commented, “I am continually impressed not only by the dedication, but the ingenuity of the family farm operations in Missouri's 8th District to not only succeed, but become leaders in their industry. Farmers like James Brixey, who find unique ways to increase productivity and exclusively use Jersey cattle, are  prime examples of the type of farmers we have that continue to make agriculture the number one industry in Missouri.”

James Brixey, a former livestock nutritionist, and his wife Jana took over Brixey Dairy from his parents in 1997 after they had been in the dairy business for nearly ten years. Brixey Dairy exclusively milk approximately 60 head of Jersey cattle. Brixey uses Jersey cows because they’re smaller and require less maintenance and input costs and have good production returns in relation to their size.

Congressman Smith is spending two weeks visiting different farming operations throughout southeast and south central Missouri. He will cover nearly 3,000 miles while crisscrossing all 30 counties in Missouri’s 8th District. In addition to hearing directly from the families and farmers about the operations they are running, the farm tour will also highlight the diversity, importance and prominence of agriculture in Missouri’s 8th Congressional District.

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