Press Releases

Pelosi Blocks Smith Plans Cutting Red Tape and Ensuring American-Made EV Infrastructure

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Washington, July 1, 2021 | comments

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jason Smith introduced two amendments that would speed up critical infrastructure projects – while reducing costs and bureaucratic red tape – and ensure electric vehicle batteries don’t increase our reliance on foreign countries for critical minerals. Both amendments were blocked by Speaker Pelosi in the House Rules Committee.

“The facts are clear. While Washington Democrats push forward with Green New Deal policies that drive up the cost of energy for the working class and benefit coastal elites, my amendments would have protected Missourians and build upon reforms championed by President Trump to get government out of the way of much needed infrastructure projects,” said Rep. Jason Smith. “It’s outrageous that Speaker Pelosi would block the full U.S. House of Representatives from considering my commonsense amendments. Why on earth would we want more red tape or more reliance on China?”

Rep. Smith’s first amendment would have allowed federal agencies to better coordinate and avoid performing duplicative environmental assessments that cause massive project delays.

The second amendment would have ensured that the bill’s billions in funding for states for electric vehicle infrastructure like charging stations that the Washington Democrats are proposing doesn’t increase our reliance on foreign countries (China, Russia) for the minerals used to make electric batteries for cars.


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