Weekly Capitol Report

Fighting for a Safe & Secure Nation

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Washington, DC, June 12, 2017 | comments

Would you leave your home unlocked or your car doors wide open? Probably not. But right now, America’s borders are about as secure as an open fence line with a herd of cattle. That’s why this week I voted to give Customs and Border Protection more resources to secure our border by making it easier for them to hire our brave military veterans and law enforcement officers.

Securing our border is one of mine and President Trump’s top priorities, and this bill is one of many actions I have taken to protect Americans from the dangers of a weak border. Previously, as a member of the Judiciary Committee, I voted for legislation that will provide a strong enforcement strategy and strengthen the security of our country. The Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act, also known as the SAFE Act, grants state and local law enforcement officials the authority to enforce federal immigration laws. It also strengthens national security, protects American communities from dangerous criminal aliens, improves visa security, aids U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers in doing their jobs, and strengthens border security.

I have also introduced legislation to defund sanctuary cities. It is completely unacceptable for more than 300 cities and counties in America to prevent the Department of Homeland Security from protecting our citizens and effectively enforcing our immigration laws. We are a nation of law and order, and cities that actively work against the law of the land should face consequences. That’s why I introduced the No Transportation Funds for Sanctuary Cities Act to cut off the spigot of federal funds to cities and counties that fail to work with us to make America safe. The bottom line is that Missourians federal tax dollars should not be going to fund sanctuary cities like San Francisco.

It is the number one responsibility of the federal government to keep American citizens safe. President Trump has already asked the Secretary of Homeland Security to “take all appropriate steps to immediately plan, design, and construct a physical wall along the southern border.” As I work with the Trump Administration to secure our borders, I will continue to fight to make sure keeping you and your family out of harm’s way remains Congress’ top priority.

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