Press Releases

Rep. Jason Smith Helps Secure Additional Operations at Veterans Clinic in Salem

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Washington, DC, October 28, 2016 | comments

Rep. Jason Smith Helps Secure Additional Operations at Veterans Clinic in Salem

Smith meets with VA official, advances Veterans services at Salem VA

Poplar Bluff, MO- Yesterday, Congressman Jason Smith met with Poplar Bluff VA Medical Director Dr. Patricia Ten Haaf to discuss operations at the VA facilities in southeast and south central Missouri and to reiterate his full support of expanding veteran care services provided by the VA clinic in Salem. Located on the campus of Salem Memorial Hospital, the Salem VA clinic is currently open on a part time basis, seeing patients only two days a month.

“I have heard directly from numerous veterans in our area that they want to see expanded care, service hours and options at VA facilities in southeast and south central Missouri, specifically in Salem. I reiterated that point and my support in person today directly with Dr. Ten Haaf and I was very pleased that she agreed and confirmed for me that the Salem VA clinic will increase hours, days and staffing with a goal to cover five full days a week. I am very pleased by this development which will increase service and care options for our veterans right here in south central Missouri.  Our nation’s veterans deserve the best, and today was an important step,” said Smith.

In addition to addressing these issues, Congressman Smith previously shared and delivered a petition with 5,700 signatures, many from veterans themselves, calling for the VA clinic in Salem to expand its hours and become a full-service, Community-Based Outreach Clinic.

“Veterans throughout the state deserve convenient access to local VA facilities and services and all veterans deserve access to quality health care no matter where they live.” Smith continued, “Since joining Congress, I have made it a top priority to fight for our nations veterans. These men and women have fought bravely for us and it is important that they receive the benefits they have earned through their service and sacrifice.” 

Earlier this year Congressman Smith helped pass Military Construction and Veterans Affairs legislation which provided $176.9 billion in funding for the VA including $52.8 billion in funding for VA medical services. These services include: suicide prevention activities and mental health services, funding for rural health initiatives, long-term care services and support services for caregivers of veterans and initiatives to fight homelessness among veterans and their families. Congressman Smith also helped pass the VA Medical Center Recover Act which directs the VA to evaluate the ability of each VA medical center to provide quality health care to veterans and to ensure that the VA improves underperforming facilities.


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