Press Releases

U.S. Rep. Smith Leads Public Listening Post

Smith attends hour long listening post in Farmington, hears feedback from residents

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Farmington, MO, April 20, 2017 | comments

FARMINGTON, MO – Today, Congressman Jason Smith led a public Listening Post with people from the Farmington area. He spent over an hour talking with them about their concerns and getting feedback on what they need to make Washington work for them.

After the meeting, Congressman Smith said, “Whether it's a listening post or visiting with farmers, families and small business owners, conversations like these help me better represent southeast and south central Missouri.”

During the Listening Post, Congressman Smith answered questions on the rising cost of healthcare and EPA regulations that impact farms and small businesses.

“I understand the burden of rising healthcare costs and am fighting for more price transparency to drive down the cost of care,” said Congressman Smith. “I remain confident that we can get something done on healthcare, and I continue to push for a full repeal because Obamacare is giving second-rate coverage to the first-rate people of southeast and south central Missouri.”

On regulations, Smith noted the work he’s done to help the Trump Administration identify what regulations are the biggest burden on farmers, families and small businesses in Missouri. After the incoming Trump Administration came to meet with Smith in December, he outlined regulations that needed to be repealed in this letter, half of which have been repealed by President Trump during his first 100 days in office.

“The Eighth Congressional District and all of rural America has been under a regulatory attack from Washington bureaucrats,” said Congressman Smith. “The EPA, Department of Labor and other D.C. bureaucrats spent the last eight years trying to regulate everything from kids helping out on the family farm, to how we generate power, and every pond, raindrop or bucket of water on a farm. I am grateful that we finally have a President who is as focused as I am on getting Washington off the backs and out of the way of Missouri families, farmers and small businesses.”

The Listening Post in Farmington is one of many stops Congressman Smith has made during the last two weeks. In addition to the Listening Post in Farmington, Smith has stopped at the Listening Posts in Rolla and Jackson. He has also visited several schools, met with the New Madrid Power Plant, Trinity Industries and SLP Lighting, and spent time with veterans at the American Legion and VFW Post #99 in Salem. 

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