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Fighting the Left’s Anti-Gun Agenda

Like so many Americans, I am completely fed up with the Left’s endless attacks on rural communities and our way of life. Whether they’re trying to ban gas-powered vehicles, legalize abortion on demand, or force people to take COVID vaccines, the Left views the federal government as a tool to transform Missouri into a blue state like California or New York. That’s especially true when it comes to the Second Amendment. During a recent speech pushing his anti-gun agenda, President Joe Biden said, “...

Smith Fights to Protect Missouri Ranchers from Biden’s Costly, Overreaching EID Mandate

Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) announced that he has coauthored legislation to block the Biden administration’s rule mandating electronic identification (EID) eartags for cattle and bison moving interstate. “The Biden administration has no business forcing Missouri ranchers to comply with this overreaching, expensive, and unworkable mandate,” said Smith. “Sadly, this is just another example of Washington bureaucrats trying to dictate how America’s ranchers – the best in the world –...

Cracking down on tax-exempt organizations that fund terrorism

On June 8, the Israeli military launched a daring mission to free four hostages who were held captive for months by evil Hamas terrorists in Gaza. I’m incredibly grateful that these innocent people are safe and back at home with their families, and I pray that the other hostages – including Americans – will also come home soon. Following the successful rescue mission, we learned that a so-called “journalist” working for a publication called The Palestine Chronicle – part of an organization, the ...

Fighting back against Biden’s two-tiered justice system

The day the verdict was reached in New York v. Trump will go down as a dark day in our nation’s history. The former president was convicted and could be thrown in jail over charges that should have never been brought against him in the first place. This case was led by a left-wing prosecutor who ran for office promising to bring charges against Trump; it was overseen by a left-wing judge whose own daughter was helping Democrat politicians fundraise off the trial; and it was held in one of the mo...

Smith Slams Verdict in New York v. Trump

Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) released the following statement on the verdict in New York v. Trump: “As president, Donald Trump was targeted by the radical Left who were intent on taking him out by any means necessary. This case was brought against him by a left-wing prosecutor who ran for office promising to bring charges against President Trump; it was overseen by a left-wing judge whose own daughter was helping Democrat politicians fundraise off the trial; and it was held in on...

Passing the buck

Over the last three years, Americans have grown increasingly frustrated over the Biden administration's disastrous open-border agenda. The American people know that President Joe Biden inherited the most secure border in American history thanks to the tough immigration policies of former President Donald Trump. They also know that Biden is directly responsible for creating the worst border crisis our nation has ever seen. That's why it was incredibly maddening when White House Press Secretary Ka...

Holding the Biden family accountable

As a leader of the House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry, I’ve been on the frontlines in the fight to get Americans the truth about the Biden family’s shady, multimillion-dollar business schemes. As part of this effort, under my leadership, the Ways and Means Committee helped bring to light the testimony of two brave IRS whistleblowers who alleged that the Department of Justice (DOJ) delayed, denied, and divulged key information about an investigation into the president’s son, and exposed that ...

Back the Blue

Between May 12 to May 18, communities all across the country came together to celebrate National Police Week. It’s an important annual tradition where we thank our law enforcement officers and pay our respects to those who made the ultimate sacrifice – like Bonne Terre Police Officer Lane Burns, whose life was tragically cut short in 2022. I will continue to keep him, his family, and loved ones in my prayers. Sadly, this is an incredibly dangerous time for law enforcement – something we are remi...

Rooting out antisemitism on campus

Like so many Americans, I have been absolutely appalled by the rampant antisemitism we’re seeing on college campuses. It’s unacceptable that in America in 2024, vicious mobs are harassing, chasing down, and blocking students from entering buildings on college campuses because of their Jewish faith. And let me be clear: these mobs aren’t anti-war protestors; they are terrorist-supporting hate groups. Earlier this month, I met with a Harvard graduate student who came to Washington to ask lawmakers...

Smith Congratulates Winner, Finalists of 2024 Congressional Art Competition

WASHINGTON – On May 2, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) held a reception in Perryville, Mo., to recognize high school students from Missouri’s 8th Congressional District who made it to the final round of the 2024 Congressional Art Competition. At the event, Smith announced that Miah Bressie, a senior at Houston High School, took home first place for her piece, “Mistique”. “The Congressional Art Competition is a great annual tradition where we highlight the incredible young artists of southe...

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