In the News

Smith Fights to Block Chinese Communist Party from Buying Missouri Farmland

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) announced that he has coauthored the Prohibition of Agricultural Land for the People’s Republic of China Act. The legislation would prohibit the purchase of public or private agricultural land in the U.S. by foreign nationals associated with the People’s Republic of China. Additionally, the legislation would prohibit the same associations from participating in any U.S. Department of Agriculture programs except food safety inspections. “Th...

Smith Sets Sights on Aggressive IRS Oversight, Announces Direct Line of Communication for Agency Whistleblowers

WASHINGTON – The House Ways and Means Committee, under a new Republican majority, has established an online form to assist Internal Revenue Service (IRS) personnel who wish to submit information confidentially to the Committee regarding any inappropriate behavior or mishandling of taxpayer information at the agency, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) announced today. As part of today’s announcement, Chairman Smith also sent a letter to Acting IRS Commissioner Douglas O’D...

Smith, Key GOP Leaders Introduce REIN IN Inflation Act to Fight Biden Policies Fueling Inflation Fire

WASHINGTON – House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08), House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (NY-21), House Financial Services Committee Chairman Patrick McHenry (NC-10), and House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY) today reintroduced the Reduce Exacerbated Inflation Negatively Impacting the Nation (REIN IN) Inflation Act. This bill would require the administration to publish the inflationary impact of executive actions before enacting ...

Smith: “The IRS does not need a raise; It needs a reckoning.”

WASHINGTON – Today, Ways and Means Chairman-elect Jason Smith (MO-08) delivered remarks during debate on the House Floor on legislation authored by House Republicans to cancel the $80 billion pay raise Washington Democrats gave the IRS in their Inflation Reduction Act – funds passed under one-party Democrat rule last year to supercharge the IRS to hire 87,000 new agents to target and increase audits on working families and small businesses. In his remarks, Smith made the case for why the IRS nee...

Smith Statement on Selection as Next Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee

WASHINGTON – Congressman Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement after being selected to serve as the Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means for the 118th Congress: “It is deeply humbling and an honor to be selected by my colleagues to serve as the next Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. With our new House Republican majority, we have made a commitment to the American people to build a stronger economy that gives everyone – not just the wealthy and politicall...

Smith: Under Speaker McCarthy, House Republicans are United, Ready to Fight to Get America Back on Track

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) released the following statement after U.S Representative Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) was elected as Speaker of the House: “Under the leadership of Speaker McCarthy, House Republicans are united and ready to fight to deliver a stronger economy, a more accountable government, a safer nation, and a future built on freedom. Now is the time for House Republicans to begin the work of getting our country back on the right track. Together we will wo...

Smith Slams Biden’s Overreaching WOTUS Rule, Continues Fight to Protect Missourians From Burdensome Regulations

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) released the following statement slamming the Biden administration’s final rule regarding the definition of the Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule: “The goal of President Biden’s Waters of the U.S. rule is to give unelected bureaucrats even more command and control over the lives of rural Missourians. The Trump administration’s rule protected Missouri’s water, incorporated sound science, and accommodated the needs of farmers, ranchers, lando...

Smith-Carter Op-Ed: House Republicans are closing the book on one-party Democratic rule

House Republicans have retaken the House with a slim, but crucial, majority. Now is the time to show the people what the end of one-party Democratic Party rule looks like by preparing to execute on a bold, unifying agenda for the 118th Congress. The people elected us to lead. While Democrats spent the lame-duck session ramming through a last-minute $2 trillion spending bill, Republicans began preparing for a strong first 100 days by drafting our first 10 bills, establishing leadership positions,...

Smith: Democrats’ Release of Trump Tax Returns is “For No Reason Other Than Pure Political Spite”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) issued the following statement after House Democrats publicly released the private tax information of President Trump: “House Democrats are ending 2022 and their majority in the House by releasing President Trump’s private tax returns for no reason other than pure political spite. As the oldest committee in Congress, the House Ways and Means Committee, for well over two centuries, has held itself to the highest standard of conduct. Today’s unpre...

VIDEO: Smith: Democrats’ Release of Trump’s Tax Returns Nothing More Than Taxpayer-Funded Hit Job Against Political Opponent

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) spoke on the House floor to slam Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee for releasing President Donald Trump's private tax returns, an action made more egregious because the information included a child’s social security number. Smith blasted Washington Democrats for using their few remaining weeks in power to launch a taxpayer-funded attack on a political opponent instead of solving the issues working-class Americans care mo...

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