Family Values

Billy Graham, America’s Pastor

“My home is in heaven, I am just traveling through this world.” On February 21, 2018, Reverend Billy Graham was welcomed to his true home in heaven. This week, we honored his life and legacy with a ceremony in the U.S. Capitol. It was an honor to attend the ceremony and pay my respects to a man who lifted up our entire nation and changed countless lives. Back in 1934, Billy Graham’s father welcomed North Carolina businessmen from Charlotte to their family dairy farm so they could gather for pray...

We March for Life

This week, hundreds of thousands of Americans came to our nation’s Capital to March for Life. Sadly, we have lost more than 60 million lives in the United States since abortion became legal and Roe v. Wade was upheld by the Supreme Court 45 years ago. That is 60 million less lives which could have grown up to find the cure to cancer, discovered new sources of energy, become an astronaut or the next President of the United States. But more than likely, many of those lives would have had a smaller...

Protecting the Unborn’s Right to Life

Forty-four years have passed since the Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade, and as a result more than 59 million innocent lives have tragically been lost. To put that into perspective, that would be like aborting every baby born in the United States since 2002. Every representative, every physician and every American must be reminded that at the center of our Pro-Life struggle is the protection of innocent lives. Life is precious. Just this week, we were reminded of the fragility of life yet a...

Rep. Smith tries to end EPA rules on wood stoves

POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. -- There's nothing quite like the warmth generated by a cozy old wood stove during winter. But Environmental Protection Agency regulations issued in January to snuff the crackling fire in the potbelly -- in the name of air quality and better breathing -- now are the law of the land and causing some headaches for self-sufficient families and stove dealers in the Show-Me State. A local congressman is taking aim against those regulations. The EPA's rule tightened the amount of par...

U.S. House passes protection for wood stove users

The U.S. House of Representatives passed an amendment Thursday eliminating new EPA regulations on wood stoves. The amendment, introduced by Congressman Jason Smith, R-8th District, passed with a bipartisan vote of 247-177 and was added to H.R. 8, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act. “The EPA has decided that 12 million wood-burning stoves in 2.4 million households across America need to be regulated because of Washington-driven bureaucrat emissions standards," he said. "Peo...

Smith makes stop at Cape Girardeau's Birthright organization

Barb McKeon, an assistant director at Birthright of Cape Girardeau, shows donated afghans to Congressman Jason Smith during his tour of Birthright on Tuesday. U.S. Rep. Jason Smith on Tuesday took a tour of Birthright of Cape Girardeau, which offers alternatives to abortion, and asked questions about the not-for-profit's services and funding. Smith, R-Salem, co-sponsored two bills that would block taxpayer dollars from supporting Planned Parenthood or other organizations that perform abortions ...

Capitol Report: The Inalienable Right to Life

Almost 250 years ago our Founding Fathers eloquently wrote that the inalienable right to life isn’t granted by Congress or any legislature, but is endowed by our Creator. Sadly, even as our scientific knowledge and medical expertise advance, this inalienable right is still being debated in Washington, D.C. We know that caring doctors and nurses today can save babies born prematurely at 20 weeks and help them go on to lead normal lives. But, sadly, the opportunity to grow and thrive is not protec...

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