Environmental Protection Agency

A new era in the fight to rein in executive overreach

As someone who strongly believes that the best government is that which is closest to the people, I’m incredibly frustrated by how much the federal government has grown since our nation was founded nearly 250 years ago. Whenever the Left is in control of Washington, they do everything they can to force their values on the rest of America – and the biggest tool they have is the Washington bureaucracy. Whether they’re trying to ban gas powered vehicles, dictating what you can or can’t do on your l...

Protecting rural Missouri from the Left’s costly climate agenda

On President Joe Biden’s first day in office, he declared war on American energy by cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have supported thousands of jobs and supplied 830,000 barrels of oil from Canada to U.S. refineries. It’s gotten even worse since then. While his radical, costly energy agenda is popular among the wealthy and most radical fringe of his party, it’s been a complete disaster for working-class Americans who are struggling to keep up with higher costs for everything fro...

Biden's budget plan is the wrong recipe for America

President Joe Biden frequently says, “Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value.” Well, as Biden’s recently released budget proposal for next year makes clear, he is once again doubling down on the very same failed policies that are bankrupting America, waging war on U.S. energy, and fueling the most painful economic crisis in decades. There’s no question that his budget plan is the wrong recipe for America. Biden’s budget proposal includes a $7 trillion...

Smith Continues Fighting to Protect Farmers & Landowners from Overreaching WOTUS Rule

WASHINGTON – On September 20th, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) and several of his Republican colleagues sent a letter to leaders at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to raise concerns about regulatory actions taken by the agencies that would expand their authority under the Clean Water Act to regulate “waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS). The members warned the agencies to stay within the bounds of authority granted to them by Congress...

Rep. Smith tries to end EPA rules on wood stoves

POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. -- There's nothing quite like the warmth generated by a cozy old wood stove during winter. But Environmental Protection Agency regulations issued in January to snuff the crackling fire in the potbelly -- in the name of air quality and better breathing -- now are the law of the land and causing some headaches for self-sufficient families and stove dealers in the Show-Me State. A local congressman is taking aim against those regulations. The EPA's rule tightened the amount of par...

U.S. House passes protection for wood stove users

The U.S. House of Representatives passed an amendment Thursday eliminating new EPA regulations on wood stoves. The amendment, introduced by Congressman Jason Smith, R-8th District, passed with a bipartisan vote of 247-177 and was added to H.R. 8, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act. “The EPA has decided that 12 million wood-burning stoves in 2.4 million households across America need to be regulated because of Washington-driven bureaucrat emissions standards," he said. "Peo...

Area farmers concerned about government regulations, Rep. Smith says

Government regulations and keeping the next generation interested in agriculture were two of the most discussed topics when U.S. Rep. Jason Smith visited a beef cattle farm just outside of Jackson on Monday. Paul "Butch" Meier of Butch's Angus is a fourth-generation farmer who said he hopes his sons and grandchildren carry the farm through the next few generations. "I've lived on this tract of land all my life," he told the congressman and the small group of farmers gathered Monday. The average ...

Missouri congressman wants environmental agency eliminated

SEDALIA, Mo. (AP) — Missouri's Republican U.S. Rep. Jason Smith says he thinks the federal Environmental Protection Agency should be eliminated. Smith's remarks came during a Missouri Farm Bureau presentation Thursday at the Missouri State Fair on a new rule on streams, tributaries and wetlands. The EPA says the federal rule clarifies but doesn't expand which smaller bodies of water should be protected from development and pollution. The Missouri Farm Bureau says the rule is a significant expans...

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