News List

Capitol Report: Budget Deal is the Wrong Deal

Last week the House of Representatives voted on a budget compromise that set spending levels for the next two years. While I believe Congress must pass a budget, I ultimately could not support this compromise plan that immediately raises new revenues without giving immediate attention to Washington’s spending addiction and our massive national debt. Leaders in Washington need to realize what families in Missouri already know: Congress has a serious spending problem. Only in Washington would the ...

Capitol Report: Senate Should Act on House Legislation

Since being sworn into office as your voice in the halls of Congress this past June, I have experienced many frustrations working in Washington. Most upsetting is the unwillingness of Senate leaders to consider common sense bills passed by the House. In fact, less than 25% of the bills that we pass in the House have been signed into law. National news personalities like to refer to Congress as a “do-nothing” body. The truth is, Senate leaders have refused to take up 148 of the 189 bills the Hous...

Congressman Smith Statement on Budget Vote

Today, Thursday, December 12, 2013, Congressman Jason Smith (MO-8) released the following statement in regards to his opposition of the Ryan-Murray budget compromise. "While I appreciate the time and effort that went into crafting this budget deal, I ultimately cannot support this plan because it increases spending without guaranteed deficit reduction measures. Simply put this agreement raises revenue and spends more money." said Smith. "I would much rather see the automatic spending cuts from t...

Capitol Report: U.N. Arms Treaty Hurts 2nd Amendment Rights

"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - Second Amendment, The Constitution of United States When I was sworn into office to represent Missouri’s Eighth Congressional District in the House of Representatives, I took an oath to uphold the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. The federal government should not compromise the ability of decent Americans to own a gun for protection...

Capitol Report: ObamaCare Problems: More Than a Broken Website

In recent weeks we have all heard examples on the evening news or from our family and friends about the dysfunctional website. The website is not user-friendly and in many cases just simply does not work. While the ObamaCare website is a problem, we must remember that the problems with government mandated healthcare go much further than technical glitches. Across our country and right here in Missouri, people are losing their current insurance and are seeing their monthly premiums...

Capitol Report: Shop Locally on Small Business Saturday

The United States is home to some 28 million small businesses. Locally owned businesses help tell the uniquely American story of rural communities in our Eighth Congressional District. Many times these businesses become cornerstones and landmarks in small towns, and are proudly passed down from one generation to the next. They represent what can be achieved when an entire family works together to provide a good or service for their community. Saturday, November 30th is Small Business Saturday. O...

Capitol Report: Protecting Access to our Rivers and Lands

Our Eighth Congressional District is home to some of the most naturally beautiful areas in the country. We are fortunate to have the Jacks Fork and Current Rivers that provide families with a place to canoe, swim, boat, and fish close to home. The rivers also support numerous small businesses that cater to the needs of visitors who come from far and wide to enjoy the clear waters and natural scenery. In 1964 the National Park Service included the Jacks Fork and Current Rivers in the Ozark Nation...

Congressman Jason Smith “Deeply Concerned” about Ozark National Scenic Riverways General Management Plan

Today, Tuesday, November 12, 2013 Congressman Jason Smith sent a letter to Jonathan Jarvis, Director of the National Park Service expressing his concerns over the draft General Management Plan for the Ozark National Scenic Riverways in Missouri’s Eighth Congressional District. In the letter, Smith objected to closing public access points on the Jacks Fork and Current Rivers, eliminating motorized boat traffic in certain areas, restricting boat motor horsepower, closing gravel bars and designati...

Congressman Jason Smith Critical of Ozark National Scenic Riverways Draft General Management Plan

SALEM, MO – Today, Friday, November 8, 2013 Congressman Jason Smith released the following statements regarding the release of the “Draft General Management Plan” for the Ozark National Scenic Riverways in Missouri’s Eighth Congressional District. “Here we go again. First it was the National Blueways System, then it was the Park Service telling us that Baptisms could not be performed without permits, and now we are learning the Park Service wants to close access points on the river, designate ne...

Capitol Report: EPA Wants to Turn the Lights out on Rural America

Rural communities in Missouri rely heavily on coal-fired energy to power their homes, businesses and farms. In fact, over 80% of Missouri’s power is generated by coal-fired power plants. Missourians and other rural Americans stand to lose when Washington bureaucrats regulate rural energy production instead of creating a responsible national energy policy that works for all Americans. Democrats and Republicans in Congress joined together to reject President Obama’s cap and trade ideas. Now the Pr...

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