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Biden’s Inflation Blame Game

President Biden’s inflation crisis is sending our nation hurtling towards a recession, turning the American Dream into an unaffordable nightmare for hardworking Americans. Last week, families learned that inflation has gotten even worse and is now at a 40-year high of 9.1 percent in just the last 12 months, and a massive 13.8 percent since the start of Joe Biden’s presidency. This is completely unacceptable! Despite their efforts to mislead Americans, Washington Democrats’ out-of-control spendin...

Smith Slams Biden, Washington Democrats For Driving Inflation to 40-Year High

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.), House Budget Committee Republican Leader, released the following statement after the Consumer Price Index showed inflation at a 40-year high of 9.1 percent and rising 13.8 percent since President Biden took office: “President Biden’s inflation crisis is sending America hurtling towards a recession after turning the American Dream into an unaffordable nightmare for working families. The latest data shows inflation at a forty-year high of ...

Exposing Biden’s Secretive $532 Billion Spending Spree

There’s no bigger challenge facing our nation right now than crippling, 40-year high inflation. These difficult economic times are forcing families to make tough financial decisions every day, whether it’s buying fewer groceries, putting less gas in the tank, or canceling family vacations. At the same time when millions of Americans are struggling to make ends meet, Washington Democrats and President Biden are fueling the inflation crisis by spending hundreds of billions of dollars to advance th...

A Historic Win for Life

In June, the U.S. Supreme Court issued one of its most consequential and long-waited decisions when it announced its ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. That day – June 24, 2022 – marked a historic moment in the decades-long fight to protect the unborn. In Dobbs, the Court made clear that the Constitution gives state legislatures – not unelected judges – the freedom to answer the question of when life begins. The original Roe v. Wade decision represented a disastrous example ...

Smith Praises Historic Supreme Court Decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization

Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) released the following statement after the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization: “Today marks an historic moment in the decades-long fight to protect the unborn. The Court’s decision makes clear that the Constitution gives state legislatures – not unelected judges – the freedom to answer the question of when life begins. “I’m incredibly grateful to the generations of Americans who have dedicated so much to defendin...

VIDEO: Smith: From Gas to Groceries, Families are Feeling the Pain of Biden’s War on American Energy

This week, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) spoke on the House floor to slam President Biden and Washington Democrats’ radical climate agenda, which is hitting families with higher costs every time they flip a light switch, buy groceries, or drive to work. Diesel – the fuel that drives the economy - is up 80% over the past year. As a result, businesses of all types are being forced to increase the cost of goods to compensate for higher fuel costs. As Smith noted, President Biden declared wa...

Biden’s Disastrous Climate Agenda

In 2019 our nation hit an important milestone when we became energy independent for the first time in nearly 70 years. Thanks to the all-of-the-above energy policies put in place by President Trump and Republicans in Congress, we were able to keep energy costs affordable, boost job growth, and strengthen our nation’s energy security by reducing our reliance on foreign oil. Fast forward to today, and our nation is facing the biggest energy crisis in my lifetime because of President Biden and Wash...

VIDEO: Smith Votes Against Gun Control Bill, Slams the Left’s Relentless Attacks on Missouri Gun Owners

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) voted against the gun control legislation passed by Congress earlier today. Smith spoke on the House floor prior to the vote to announce his opposition to the legislation and to slam Washington Democrats’ relentless attacks on law-abiding gun owners. In his remarks, Smith blasted the legislation for expanding red flag laws, which take away individuals’ due process rights while allowing law enforcement to remove guns from individuals at the reque...

The Cost of Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Over the last 16 months Americans have watched President Joe Biden stumble from crisis to crisis. This is the same Joe Biden who has billed himself as a leader who would govern with a steady hand. But ever since he took the helm, he has crashed our nation into iceberg after iceberg, leaving Americans treading water without a lifeboat in sight. His open border policies are helping Mexican cartels flood our communities with deadly drugs. Parents are driving hours to try and find baby formula becau...

VIDEO: Smith Slams Biden’s Inflation Crisis: “The American People Cannot Afford to Keep Paying for President Biden’s Mistakes”

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) spoke on the House floor to slam President Biden and Washington Democrats for their reckless spending that has driven inflation to a 40-year high, forcing Americans to pay more to put food on their table, clothes on their backs, and gasoline in their car. As Smith noted, President Biden and Washington Democrats have only themselves to blame for the inflation crisis. Since President Biden took office, inflation has increased 12.2%, gas pri...

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