News List

Not Bringing Home the Bacon

It’s a tale of two realities. This week the Consumer Price Index showed that inflation over the last 12 months continues to remain near a 40-year high, coming in at 8.3 percent. This year alone, families will pay $5,200 more for goods and services because of the inflation caused by reckless Washington Democrat spending. To add insult to injury, many Washington Democrats are just now starting to realize the impact record high inflation is having on American families. In fact, it wasn’t until some...

Biden's Ministry of Truth

At this point in his administration, President Biden and Washington Democrats have made clear they will not stop with their big government agenda until they control every aspect of our lives. At every turn, whenever they’ve run into opposition to their policies – whether it’s mask mandates, vaccine mandates, limiting parental involvement in our kids’ education, or any of their other policies aimed at greater control – Washington Democrats have labeled commonsense opposition as “disinformation.” ...

Critical Race Theory: Coming to a Doctor's Office Near You

Under Joe Biden, no aspect of our lives is safe from the long reach of federal bureaucrats who are more interested in imposing their own values on Missourians than they are in improving our lives and livelihoods. If there’s one area that should be free from politics, it’s the care we receive from our physicians. The highest priority for every physician should be providing high-quality care to every patient. Politics should be the furthest thing from a physician’s mind. But now under a new rule p...

Unmasking Biden's Hypocrisy

After two years of evidence from COVID lockdown policies and restrictions, we’ve learned three things pretty clearly. First, we’ve learned that states and cities that locked down harmed their own citizens through reduced job opportunities and mental health challenges associated with isolation. Second, we have learned that the Biden administration is unwilling to stand up to wealthy liberal elites who prefer the government controlling hardworking Americans’ actions. And third, we have the data to...

The Miracle of Easter

For Christians around the world, Easter gives us the opportunity to celebrate Jesus’ life and death, and most importantly, His resurrection. We reflect on the suffering of Jesus, what he endured for His people even though He was without sin. Then we joyously proclaim His triumph over death; his ascension to the right hand of the Father and the gift of everlasting life he offers to all who repent and believe in him. My belief in this miraculous gift is what guides me every day. As the son of a pr...

Smith Fights to Reverse Biden Administration Decision to End Honor Flight Escorts for Veterans

On April 11, Congressman Jason Smith joined 75 of his House colleagues in calling on President Biden’s Department of Interior to reverse the agency’s unwarranted decision to stop providing the Honor Flight Network with the vehicular escort services they have given in the past. "Of all the terrible decisions this administration has made, the decision to end vehicular escorts for elderly veterans who want to pay their respects to fellow servicemembers who gave the ultimate sacrifice may be its mos...

Smith: Biden’s Inflation Crisis Has Turned the American Dream into an Unaffordable Nightmare for Working Americans

Today, Congressman Jason Smith, Republican Leader of the House Budget Committee, issued the following statement after the Consumer Price Index showed inflation hitting a forty-year high for the fifth consecutive month, of 8.5 percent: “President Biden’s inflation crisis has turned the American Dream into an unaffordable nightmare for working Americans. Biden’s policies are robbing families and retirees of their hard-earned savings and undercutting workers’ wages more and more each month as price...

Rep. Smith Reintroduces Bill to Make Seniors’ Health Costs More Affordable

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, Rep. Jason Smith reintroduced H.R. 7435, the Health Savings for Seniors Act, bipartisan legislation that would allow seniors covered under Medicare to continue using existing or create new Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Current law prohibits Medicare beneficiaries from contributing to or opening a new HSA; they may only draw funds from accounts that were previously created. “The federal government should make it easier – not harder – for older Americans to access h...

Washington Democrats' Double Standards

Since taking office, Joe Biden and his Washington Democrat allies have increasingly incentivized illegal immigration by changing effective border security policies put in place by the Trump administration. Now, Joe Biden and Washington Democrats want to make a bad problem worse. Last week, President Biden announced he would be ending President Trump’s Title 42 Border Security program, which allows the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to deport illegal aliens if they pose a public health dan...

Biden's Budget Values Crisis

This week President Biden unveiled his Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) budget — nearly two months after he was legally required to do so. Under President Biden, Missourians are finding it more difficult and more expensive to put food on their tables, gas in their cars, and clothes on their backs. None of this is happening by accident. Whether it is the inflation crisis, energy crisis, border crisis, a supply chain crisis, crime crisis, education crisis or others, all are the direct result of the policie...

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