News List

Biden's Ukraine Crisis

This week, millions of people around the globe watched in disbelief as Russian President Vladimir Putin declared an unprovoked war on Ukraine. This marks the first major full-scale invasion by a major power in Europe since World War II. While the tragic events are just beginning, the impacts – both economic and human – will be felt immediately. As one of the world’s top oil and gas suppliers, Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine is already having devastating impacts on America’s energy prices. Re...

Their Permanent Pandemic Narrative

Since his first day in office, Joe Biden insisted that his priority was crushing the coronavirus and restoring normalcy to America. He claimed President Trump failed – even going so far as to state at one point that “220,000 deaths. If you hear nothing else, I say tonight, hear this: Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain President of the United States. Well, guess what? Under his watch, more Americans have died. Blue state politicians have continued to keep their state...

In Their Own Words

This week, the Department of Labor reported that the consumer price index, the measurement of inflation, hit a 40-year high when it came in at 7.5%. The numbers shocked many and outpaced even the most dire predictions from economists. Unfortunately, this comes as no surprise to working-class families who have seen their paychecks wiped out by staggering price increases. Families are being crushed by the continued explosive spike in cost for everything from the gas they put in their car to the fo...

Smith: “The ‘Check Engine’ light for the Biden economy is on and flashing” as Inflation Hits 40-Year High

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement after the Consumer Price Index showed inflation continuing to run at the highest pace in 40 years: “Families are being crushed under this continued explosive spike in prices. And the only answer from Washington Democrats has been to spend more. The $2 trillion Biden Bailout Bill, full of the typical government waste, has done far more to spark inflation and these price increases ...

Pelosi Blocks Smith Amendment To Fight China’s Predatory Trade Practices

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Speaker Pelosi and her Washington Democrat counterparts this week advanced a partisan bill that, if enacted, would put China in the driver’s seat for the global economy at the expense of hardworking Americans. Rep. Jason Smith offered an amendment to the bill to highlight President Biden’s lack of strategy or vision on how to fight China’s unfair trade practices, but Speaker Pelosi wouldn’t even allow the amendment to be debated – let alone voted on. “Once again, Speaker Pelos...

China First

This week, the Winter Olympics kicked off, and the spotlight of the world is being shined directly on China and the brutal record of its communist regime. Inexplicably, the International Olympic Committee ignored the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) record of murdering its citizens and censoring anyone who lives or does business in China and chose China to host the Winter Games. But the IOC isn’t the only institution to sell out its values to coddle the CCP. Over the past few years, we’ve seen mu...

Smith Bill Supports Pregnant Mothers, Promotes Choosing Life Through Tax Code

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Jason Smith and U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT), along with Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-CO), introduced the Child Tax Credit for Pregnant Moms Act that would make pregnant mothers eligible for the Child Tax Credit (CTC), allowing them to save up to an additional $2,000 for an unborn child. “From the moment a baby is conceived, a family’s priorities begin adjusting to prepare for their arrival. It’s time for our tax code to help babies who are still in the womb by ...

Right To Life

The right to life is one of the most sacred rights we have. Last week, our nation marked the 49th anniversary of the fateful day that the Supreme Court made its devastating decision on Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion throughout our country. That decision has resulted in the loss of more than 60 million innocent lives to date. Each and every one of these aborted lives was denied the opportunity to make their unique mark on this world. How many future Presidents will we never know? How many ...

Smith Demands Key Federal Agency Fully Reopen To Eliminate Veteran Records Request Backlog

WASHINGTON, D.C. - On January 24, 2022, Congressman Jason Smith joined House Veterans Affairs Committee Ranking Member Mike Bost (IL-12) and 111 of his House Republican colleagues in writing the Director of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) demanding the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in St. Louis fully reopen their offices. The NPRC is the federal agency that keeps all military service records, and to obtain federal benefits – including burials, emergency medical...

The First Year

One year. This week marked Joe Biden’s first anniversary in the White House. And no matter how rosy of a picture he tries to paint about the state of our nation; no matter how many times he tries to shift blame to Republicans despite his party having unified control of the House, Senate, and White House; no matter how many times he exaggerates or lies about the effects of his agenda; there is one clear, consistent truth - working-class Americans are suffering as a direct result of the path Joe B...

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