News List

Rep. Jason Smith Calls for Impact Analysis of Biden IRS Spying Scheme that Targets Working Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08), in a letter to the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), called for an official assessment of how the Biden Administration’s proposal to empower the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to spy on the financial activity of American citizens – including working families, farmers, small businesses, and gig economy workers – would impact middle- to low-income Americans. Specifically, Smith outlined how the latest Administ...

Rep. Jason Smith Calls for Congressional Budget Office To Reveal True Cost of Democrat Tax & Spending Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a letter today to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the top Republicans on the House and Senate Budget Committees pushed the agency to provide a true cost estimate of the Democrats’ tax and spending reconciliation bill if provisions within the bill were made permanent, as is the intent of Democrats. House Budget Committee Ranking Member Jason Smith (MO-08) and Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) noted that the reconciliation bill in...

Mandates For All

This week, Joe Biden officially rolled out his vaccine mandates on private businesses. It is no exaggeration to say this is almost certainly unconstitutional and is the single most authoritarian action the federal government has taken in my lifetime. Joe Biden did this without a shred of consent from Congress, giving the American people absolutely no say over their personal and private medical decisions. It sickens me to my core that working class Americans, who despite personal risk, stayed on ...

Rep. Jason Smith Blasts Biden Administration Over Unconstitutional, Authoritarian Federal Vaccine Mandate

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Jason Smith issued the following statement blasting the Biden Administration after the Occupational Safety and Health Administration at the Department of Labor and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced “emergency” rules forcing private companies to enforce a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. “These unconstitutional, authoritarian federal vaccine mandates sicken me to my core. Working class Americans who kept on the job throughout the pandemic to p...

Biden's Blind Eye

Washington Democrats would have you believe that the most pressing issue in our country right now is passing their tax-and-spend socialist agenda. Meanwhile, they continue turning a blind eye to the very crises the Biden administration has created – most notably, the crisis we are facing at our southern border. Since taking office, Joe Biden has focused on dismantling President Donald Trump’s legacy. Nowhere has that been more true than on his immigration policies. From his first day in office, ...

Rep. Jason Smith Calls on Biden Administration to Withdraw Authoritarian Federal Vaccine Mandate

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) and House Oversight and Reform Committee Republican Leader James Comer (KY-01), in a letter to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), excoriated the Biden Administration over its efforts to shortchange the federal rulemaking process in order to impose a national vaccine mandate on employers and called on the OMB Acting Director to immediately withdraw the rule. “With no Senate confirmed leadership at the t...

Biden's Tax Police

Washington Democrats want to add trillions of dollars in new spending, and they are getting creative to fund portions of their proposal. They claim they don’t want to raise taxes on working-class families – but their policies would do the exact opposite. One of their worst proposals would weaponize the IRS with the tools needed to scrutinize working families’ finances. President Biden’s initial proposal called for providing the agency $80 billion in new funding to hire 87,000 new agents, while r...

Blind Spending

While today's spending by Congress may not suggest as much, our nation does indeed have a debt limit – that is, a cap on how much the federal government can borrow in order to spend. If you turned on the news or read the paper lately, there is a good chance you have seen Democrats in Congress turning the issue into their latest self-created crisis. They have insisted that they cannot deal with it by themselves, despite controlling all of Congress and the White House. As the top Republican on the...

Freedom From Mandates

The Washington political establishment just doesn’t understand Missouri. Missourians have felt the effects of COVID. Most of us have family, loved ones, friends, neighbors, or acquaintances who have had COVID. Those who have suffered it ourselves or watched a close family member suffer from it know what a serious disease it can be. But Missourians also aren’t willing to surrender our freedoms just because we face a threat. When Washington politicians wanted to lock down our state forever, we sai...

Pelosi's Hostage Negotiation

Earlier this summer, President Biden walked out of the White House touting the success of negotiating a “bipartisan” infrastructure deal amongst a handful of U.S. Senators. Mere hours later, Nancy Pelosi muzzled their celebration. Instead, Speaker Pelosi made clear that she viewed the infrastructure bill as nothing more than a political tool that she could use to pass a laundry list of liberal priorities to appease the progressive flank by spending trillions more of Americans’ tax dollars on a m...

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