News List

Statement from Rep. Jason Smith on Senator Roy Blunt’s Decision to Not Seek Re-election

Missouri is better off today because of the service of Senator Blunt. As a fellow son of southern Missouri, I have always valued the advice and mentorship of our senior Senator and am grateful to call him a friend. He was one of the first people to encourage me to run for Congress and someone I have been proud to partner with to help protect our way of life in Missouri. Whatever comes next, I know Roy will always continue to help the people of Missouri. I am truly humbled by the outreach from Mi...

For The People?

Last November, America experienced an election that was anything but normal. In several states voting rules for electing the president were changed without the consent of state legislatures, as prescribed by the Constitution. This left millions of Americans confused and unsure of whether their vote even counted. What happened underscored for me the urgent need to work together to ensure all Americans have confidence in the integrity of their elections. But Speaker Pelosi had other ideas. Instead...

Congressman Jason Smith Hosts Call With Leaders from Missouri Sheltered Workshops

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Jason Smith hosted a call with leaders from Missouri Sheltered Workshops. During the call, attendees were able to share their concerns with President Biden’s proposal to implement a $15 Washington hourly mandate on small businesses that would have resulted in eliminating a program that allows Missourians with disabilities to find their place in the workforce. “Sheltered workplaces are more than a job for many of these individuals,” said Rep. Jason Smith. “Sh...

Daines, Smith, Cuellar Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill Making Tax Relief for Small Businesses Permanent

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Congressman Jason Smith (R-Mo.), and Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) introduced bipartisan, bicameral legislation to make the 20 percent pass-through small business tax deduction permanent. Their bill, the “Main Street Tax Certainty Act” will support small businesses, help create jobs and strengthen our economy. Without congressional action the tax deduction will expire at the end of 2025. “Montana small businesses help our communities ...

Biden's Bailout Bill

Washington Democrats are charging full speed ahead on a hastily-crafted, nearly $2 trillion bailout package. Simply put: this is the wrong plan, at the wrong time, and for all the wrong reasons. The goal wasn’t to put shots in people’s arms, nor was it to offer relief to working class Americans. Instead, their goal was to bail out their friends and special interest allies. It is the wrong plan because this package directly harms America’s working class. By providing $510 billion to state and loc...

Congressman Jason Smith Introduces Bill to Permanently Protect American Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Jason Smith introduced legislation that would make permanent the new and increased Child Tax Credit created by the Republican Tax Cuts. “Becoming a parent is the most important job a mother of father will ever have, but our tax code needs to reflect the growing needs of working families. Since doubling the Child Tax Credit Missouri families have seen more money in their pockets, but they need certainty that this support will continue to be there for them. Ma...

A Tribute To Rush

Missouri has lost one of its favorite sons, and the country has lost a hero. For over three decades, Rush Limbaugh inspired millions of people and was a leader of the conservative movement. He guided generations of us towards a deeper love of America and enduring respect for the Constitution and the liberties and freedoms we enjoy. “With talent on loan from God,” as he used to say, Rush was able to cut through the spin and propaganda to provide clarity in a complicated world unlike anything we’v...

Impeachment: The Sequel

Nearly a month after Joe Biden promised unity, the division in our country has only grown deeper thanks to the partisan actions of Washington Democrats. They are bending the rules to push a massive bailout package through Congress while at the same time trying to impeach a President who has already left office. So far this impeachment trial has played out like a re-run of a bad sitcom. The plot is known, the outcome is guaranteed, and the emotions are forced with bad acting. In fact, 44 Senators...

Budget Battle

I have always kept one motto in my heart as I approach the job of being your representative: Put people before politics. Unfortunately, what we are seeing from the Leaders of the Democratic party is the exact opposite; it is all politics. This week, Washington Democrats made clear that for all President Biden’s talk of unifying the country, these words were all hat and no cattle. In their first chance to show the country how we can work together, Democrats chose to pass a Budget Resolution that ...

Congressman Jason Smith Seeks To End Taxpayer Bonds for Abortion Clinics

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Jason Smith introduced legislation that prohibits the use of federal tax-exempt bonds to finance the construction of abortion clinics. “For over 40 years, federal funds have been barred from going to organizations that support abortion services. Yet, there is a loophole in the tax code that allows abortion clinics to be built using subsidized tax-free bonds. Today, I’m proud to sponsor the No Abortion Bonds Act which closes the loophole and protects hardworking Mis...

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