News List

House Passes Smith Bill to Improve Medicare Access

WASHINGTON, DC – This week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed Congressman Jason Smith’s legislation, H.R. 5534, the Comprehensive Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage for Kidney Transplant Act. This legislation ensures thousands of kidney transplant recipients continue to have access to the drugs they need to remain healthy and saves the federal government hundreds of millions of dollars in the process. Specifically, this legislation would extend Medicare coverage of immunosuppressive drugs fo...

Cannabis and Cats

This week many Americans rightfully expected the House of Representatives to be completely focused on relief to small businesses, but that’s not what Speaker Pelosi had in mind. Instead, she held votes on bills to subsidize recreational marijuana and sided with animal rights activists to protect exotic cats. Pot dealers and Carole Baskin won the day in the People’s House while working Americans continue to suffer. With this legislative lineup, Nancy Pelosi and liberal Democrats continue to show ...

Rep. Smith Named Republican Leader of Budget Committee

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) has been elected to serve as the Republican Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Budget Committee. Upon the selection, Smith made the following remarks: “Missourians know the importance of having a budget and sticking to it. Unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi does not. The fiscal challenges facing our country are great, we spent 5 times more last year paying interest on our country’s debt than we did to provide benefits to our veterans, that’s no...

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Once again, American ingenuity, determination, and grit are on full display for the world to see. In the history of modern medicine, a vaccine has never taken less than four years to develop. In fact, on average, the development timeline for a vaccine is between eight to ten years. Thanks to President Trump’s leadership Americans will soon have access to three novel coronavirus vaccines in less than a single year. This is truly a historic moment and the significance of this development cannot be...

Lockdowns for Thee, Not for Me

Every holiday season, Americans across the country look forward to celebrating cherished holiday traditions. As we take time out of our busy lives to spend time with loved ones and reflect on our blessings, we are reminded that even during what has been a very difficult year as a result of COVID-19 and ineffective lockdowns, we still have much to be thankful for. We’ve come so far since the beginning of the pandemic. Over the last several months groundbreaking therapeutics to combat the virus ha...

Law, Order, and Investigations

In the United States, every living citizen over the age of eighteen has the right to vote. This is one of the most fundamental pillars of our constitutional republic and we must protect it at all costs. If the criteria for voter eligibility are not being met, public trust in our elections and our government will inevitably erode. That’s why the American people should question the outcome of this election based on the allegations of voter fraud that occurred. From reports of deceased individuals ...

Defying the Odds

How many times do they have to get it wrong? For months, the media and pollsters have downplayed President Trump’s path to victory, and he has shown them time and again not to underestimate hard-working Americans. The President walked away election night having won Florida by three times his margin of victory in 2016. The polls in many swing states were off by up to ten percentage points. We defied the odds by picking up seats in the House of Representatives and keeping the United States Senate....

Smith Demands Investigations Into Election Fraud

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Congressman Jason Smith called upon the United States Department of Justice to open investigations into incidences of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election. In a separate letter to state election officials, Smith also outlined his concerns with their actions and issued a reminder that the election is not over. Smith said, “President Trump is right to demand transparency and accuracy in the ballot counting process. We must count every legal vote, but only l...

Your Right. Your Voice.

Take a breath. Election day is finally here. This is not political persuasion. I am not here to ask you for your vote. On November 3rd, I am simply asking you TO VOTE. This will no doubt be a historic election, in fact, it already is. In 2016, 140 million Americans cast their ballot for President of the United States, so far in 2020 over 84 million Americans have already used early voting to vote for their chosen candidate. While we know turnout will be high this election, it’s important we reco...

Smith Leads Missouri Delegation in Fight to Return Fairness to Meat Markets

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO), joined by Missouri Reps. Graves, Luetkemeyer, Hartzler, Long, and Wagner introduced the Feed America by Incentivizing Rural (FAIR) Meat Packing Act to ensure a level playing field for Missouri cattlemen and to return to fair prices for both cattlemen and families. The FAIR Meat Packing Act creates two incentives to facilitate the formation of small and mid-sized meat processing facilities allowing cattle producers to compete for better prices in t...

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