News List

Witch Hunt Continues

"I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected." — Rep. Al Green (D-TX) Less than a year into President Trump’s administration, House Democrats were already voting on articles of impeachment. At the time it was because they were unable to accept the results of the 2016 election. Now, after watching their party’s primary debates, they know the only way they can beat the President is if they impeach him. That is why we have voted on impeachment three times already a...

Crippling Congressional Chaos

Never before in our history has the House of Representatives pursued an unsanctioned impeachment investigation of a president. Since launching the unilateral crusade against President Trump, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has failed to provide any institutional rules for these proceedings – a clearly partisan campaign in direct defiance of our democratic values of due process. Worst of all, at a time when our congressional to-do list includes keeping the government open and functioning beyond November 21,...

A Foul on American Values

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – Letter from Birmingham Jail on April 16, 1963 “A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice.” – Sermon in Selma, Alabama on March 8, 1965 These are the words of civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and these two quotes were also shared by LeBron James on Twitter to celebrate MLK Day in January of last year. While these words appear crystal clear in their meaning, earlier this week LeBron made an exception to the late Dr. Kin...

An Un-American Process

What Speaker Pelosi and her progressive pals are doing in the halls of our U.S. Capitol seems to defy even Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s most liberal interpretation of the Constitution and laws of the United States. Our Founders crafted the remedy of impeachment for serious situations and provided instructions for how that process would happen. Even though they were careful to make sure impeachment would not be used for purely partisan gains, that is exactly what Pelosi and the liberal elite have been t...

Here to Help

When I was a freshman in high school, I was summoned before my local city council over their objections to my FFA project. Their inflexible position forced my family to make a tough decision: if I wanted to keep my project operating—which is ultimately how I paid my way through college—my family and I would be forced to leave town. After multiple attempts to change the city’s mind, we moved outside the city limits. After my experience, I wanted to make sure the government did not intrude on othe...

Paralyzed With Hatred

Nancy Pelosi and her progressive base have finally shown the world their true agenda: impeaching President Trump. On Tuesday, Speaker Pelosi announced that she and her liberal lieutenants were launching an official impeachment inquiry into the President because of news reports she saw surrounding a phone call he made earlier this year. At the time she made the announcement, neither the whistleblower’s report nor the transcript of the conversation between President Trump and the President of Ukr...

America's Energy Independence

Over the weekend, we were all alarmed by the images of oil fields on fire in the Middle East. Historically, whenever there is global uncertainty around the security of the world’s oil supply, it sends energy prices soaring, which impacts the day to day lives of the hardworking people here in southern Missouri just trying to make ends meet. All of a sudden, families are forced to stretch their budgets further than expected due to higher costs to heat their homes or to fill up on gas. However, all...

Never Forgotten

Every year, we promise to never forget. We recall where we were and what we were feeling on September 11, 2001. I remember being in law school at Oklahoma City University and knowing immediately the world would never be the same. But too often we fail to remember the totality of loss. As I pause and reflect this week, I think about the thousands of lives that were changed forever: we lost 2,977 souls on that fateful day. The victims were passengers and crew, businessmen and businesswomen, milita...

A Hard Week

This week has been a tough week for my family and me. Earlier this week, my father passed away. It is never easy to lose a parent, and I, unfortunately felt that up close this week. Regardless of age, what they have accomplished in life, or what they have left behind, when a loved one says goodbye everything else is put into perspective. This hard lesson of loss has reminded me of all the other lessons my dad imparted on me throughout his life. My dad was a mechanic and he owned an auto repair s...

A Summer Well Spent

As the unofficial ending to summer has arrived, I am thinking how lucky I was to be able to spend the summer traveling throughout southern Missouri and getting time with the farmers, families, and local agricultural businesses who proudly call our area home. The industry and ingenuity I have seen is a testament to the hardworking nature of our community. The connections made, feedback received, ideas generated, and questions answered at family farms, Ag townhall forums, and business visits have ...

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