News List

Capitol Report: Peace Through Strength

“We must maintain the peace through our strength; weakness only invites aggression.” These are the words Ronald Reagan spoke more than 30 years ago and a philosophy I still believe wholeheartedly today. Yet, with proposed cuts to our national defense, including potential cuts at Fort Leonard Wood, it seems some have forgotten the necessity of a strong military. Fortunately, folks from all around Missouri gathered at Fort Leonard Wood this week to oppose cuts and highlight both the major impact t...

Congressman Jason Smith Reintroduces SCRUB Act to Fight Unnecessary Regulations

Friday, Congressman Jason Smith reintroduced H.R. 1155, the Searching for and Cutting Regulations that are Unnecessarily Burdensome Act (SCRUB Act) in the U.S. House of Representatives, and today the House Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on the proposed legislation. This bill, previously introduced by Congressman Smith in the 113th Congress, would reduce the ineffective and intrusive federal regulations holding back economic opportunity. “Across southeast and southern Missouri, job cre...

Congressman Smith Statement on Tragic Shootings in Texas and Shannon Counties

Today, Congressman Jason Smith (R-Salem, MO) issued the following statement on the tragic shootings in Texas and Shannon Counties: “I am horrified by news of the shootings in Texas and Shannon Counties and ask you to keep the families of the victims in your prayers. The Missouri State Highway Patrol and local law enforcement have my complete confidence as they work through their investigation into these tragic killings.” ###

Capitol Report: Spring Cleaning Comes Early with SCRUB Act

When I talk to my colleagues in Washington, D.C., they do not always understand the burdens rural America faces from unnecessary regulations. During my first week in Congress, an “expert witness” told me it was pure fiction that government regulations affect private industry. It felt like the Twilight Zone and is exactly what’s wrong with Washington. Unelected bureaucrats that have never left five square miles around D.C. are trying to regulate every aspect of our lives. From the Environmental P...

Congressman Jason Smith Statement on the President’s Keystone XL Veto

Today, Congressman Jason Smith (R-Salem, MO) issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s veto of the Keystone XL pipeline: “I’m deeply disappointed that President Obama vetoed the bipartisan Keystone XL project which would have created over 40,000 American jobs. This bill was about providing jobs, energy independence, and the optimism that comes from knowing your government is working for you, not against you. Instead, the president sided with radical environmentalists instead of...

Congressman Jason Smith Presented With Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence

Yesterday, Congressman Jason Smith was presented with the Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). The award is given to members of Congress who advocate for policies that grow manufacturing and help American manufacturers succeed globally. One of Congressman Smith’s top priorities in Congress is to make the American Dream easier to achieve in rural America, including strengthening the vital manufacturing sector. “I am extremely proud th...

Congressman Jason Smith Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Missouri Farm Bureau

On Wednesday, February 18th, Congressman Jason Smith celebrated the Missouri Farm Bureau’s 100th Anniversary in Jefferson City. Congressman Smith presented the organization with remarks that he entered into the Congressional Record commemorating the milestone. "With an office in every county in the state, the Missouri Farm Bureau works tirelessly to improve the quality of life for farmers, folks in rural Missouri, and all Missourians," said Congressman Smith. "As the fourth-generation owner of ...

Capitol Report: Lessons From Our First President

February is the birth month of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and each February, Presidents’ Day offers us a chance to reflect on lessons learned from our former presidents. As America faces challenges at home and abroad, some of George Washington’s lessons are especially relevant today. “The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.” George Washington’s commitment to the Constitution is one of the most important lessons we can take to heart. In Washington, D.C., some seem to...

Congressman Jason Smith Capitol Report: The Christianity I Know

Last week at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., President Obama made insensitive remarks about Christianity that deeply disappointed me and many other Christians across the nation. While rightly criticizing the atrocious violence by the Islamic State, the president wrongly compared this behavior to the Christian faith to make a political point. His remarks oversimplified history and did not acknowledge the real threat radical Islam poses to all faiths. The Christianity I know spr...

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