Press Releases

Congressman Jason Smith Brings Congress to Park Hills Classroom with Video Chat

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Washington, DC, May 16, 2015 | comments

 On Friday, Congressman Jason Smith connected with Central High School students from his office in Washington, D.C. by hosting a live video chat. Congressman Smith answered dozens of questions from students in Bethany Petty’s western civilization and social studies classes on issues ranging from the Electoral College to terrorism.
As one of the youngest members of Congress, Representative Smith has embraced new technology to stay connected with constituents when he is in Washington, D.C.

Congressman Smith talks with students from Washington

“These conversations help students see how what’s happening in Washington, D.C. affects them here at home,” said Congressman Smith. “Students are eager to have their voices heard, and I’m always looking for new technology that can help foster those discussions,” said Congressman Smith.

 With a district that spans 30 counties and 20,000 square miles, Congressman Smith has been creative in finding ways to stay in touch with constituents. During the video chat, students had the opportunity to ask the congressman questions directly and learn more about the workings of the federal government.

 Other topics during the chat included ISIS, regulations, campaign finance reform, and finding bipartisanship in Washington. Congressman Smith has talked to students at more than fifty schools in the district since he was first elected  to Congress.


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