Press Releases

Congressman Jason Smith, Colleagues Take Action to Block Federal Funds for Planned Parenthood, Abortion

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Washington, DC, July 24, 2015 | comments

This week, Congressman Jason Smith cosponsored two bills to block all federal funding for Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. The action comes after two disturbing videos were made public showing Planned Parenthood executives discussing selling body parts of unborn babies, potentially in violation of federal law. 

H.R. 3134, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act, completely defunds Planned Parenthood, its affiliates, and associated clinics while the organization’s activities are investigated. H.R. 3197, the Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act of 2015, completely defunds all entities that provide abortions or contribute to abortion providers.

“The videos showing Planned Parenthood executives talking so callously about the dismemberment of these babies made me sick to my stomach,” said Congressman Smith. “Not one penny of taxpayer dollars should be used to support Planned Parenthood’s actions, or any organization that performs abortions.”

Smith joined Congressman Diane Black, the lead sponsor for both bills, to introduce these important measures. During his time in Congress, Smith has taken action to protect life by introducing legislation, writing letters, and voting for bills that protect life.

Smith went on to say, “I have never wavered from my firm belief that life is precious and must be protected. Americans deserve a full-scale investigation into Planned Parenthood’s immoral, potentially criminal conduct. Taxpayer money should be spent on taxpayer priorities, not unethical, unaccountable, unreasonable actions.  I will continue to fight against Planned Parenthood and its affiliates until they shift their priorities and work to protect the miracle of life.” 


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