Press Releases

Congressman Jason Smith Statement on Speaker Paul Ryan

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Washington, DC, October 29, 2015 | comments

Today, Congressman Jason Smith released the following statement: 

“Today I cast my vote in support of Paul Ryan as the new Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Paul is someone with deep Midwestern roots and values, and his election as Speaker represents a new direction for House Republicans; a new direction for America.

“Paul Ryan is my Chairman on the House Ways & Means Committee and I am glad that he will now Chair the people’s House. He is a true policy leader and I have never worked with a more inclusive, transparent, and driven individual. Speaker Ryan will focus on the policy and the strategy, not the politics. He does what’s right for the country, not what’s most politically expedient. Paul Ryan is a unifier who has the trust and respect of not only our conference, but of the American people. He will guide the House with a fair and honest hand, while advancing important conservative Republican principles.

“Paul knows that the best way to develop legislation is to bring as many people as possible into the room. In order to get the best policy for this country and the best Speaker for the Midwest; I was glad to support Paul Ryan today for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.”


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