Press Releases

Congressman Smith talks with students at West St. Francois County High School

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Washington, DC, November 12, 2015 | comments

 Today Congressman Jason Smith brought Congress to the classroom, speaking with freshman American Government students at West County High School. Congressman Smith took questions from students on a variety of topics and shared his personal story in the hopes of inspiring the next generation of leaders.

Pictured: Congressman Smith takes questions from students

"Students don’t always understand how much legislation affects them," said Smith. "Issues like social security or student loans will have a major impact on them in the years to come."

One of the youngest members of the House of Representatives, Congressman Smith connects with students during frequent “Congress in the Classroom” discussions, both in person and via video chat.

“It’s about inspiring the next generation of leaders. I want them to know that it doesn’t matter if they come from a small town or humble beginnings. They can still accomplish anything with hard work and perseverance.”


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