Press Releases

Congressman Smith Stands Up for Local Manufacturers, Fights Unfair Trade Practices in ENFORCE Act

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Washington, DC, December 11, 2015 | comments

With today’s bipartisan passage of the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act, Congressman Jason Smith stood up for local manufacturers.

The Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act fosters economic growth to allow businesses to thrive in the 21st Century global economy by stepping up enforcement of trade agreements, reducing barriers to legitimate trade, making American exports more competitive, and facilitating small business competition in the global marketplace.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Kevin Brady explained, "It gives Customs and Border Protection new tools and holds it accountable to effectively act against evasion of antidumping and countervailing duties, including by targeting risky imports and establishing a new investigation process with strict deadlines and judicial review.” He noted, "Representatives Boustany and Jason Smith deserve credit for working together to make sure these provisions were included.”

Rep. Smith worked tirelessly to have a provision known as the ENFORCE Act Included in this bill. Recently, a Missouri manufacturer found itself unfairly competing against an illegal product originating from China, but using a fake address in another country. The ENFORCE Act allows this company in Missouri to take real and meaningful action against these type of foreign perpetrators. As a member of the Ways & Means Committee with jurisdiction over all international trade laws, Rep. Smith has been working for over a year to include the ENFORCE Act in this final legislation.

“American workers and American products can compete with anybody in the world. But when countries cheat, our manufacturers are significantly harmed,” said Smith. “This bill with the inclusion of the ENFORCE Act helps end those unfair practices.”

The ENFORCE Act included in the final conference report of the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act would strengthen America’s ability to identify and go after those who break international trade law which is a serious problem for Missouri manufacturers.


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