Press Releases

Rep. Jason Smith's statement on House v. Burwell decision

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Washington, DC, May 12, 2016 | comments

Congressman Jason Smith (MO-8) issued the following statement today after a U.S. District Court Judge Rosemary M. Collyer ruled in House v. Burwell that the Obama Administration unlawfully funded parts of Obamacare without an appropriation from Congress.

“Today’s decision was a victory for the American people. It is a legal recognition of the excessive attempts this administration has made to manipulate and circumvent the balance of power between Congress and the Executive Branch. Over twenty times the U.S. Supreme Court has made unanimous 9 - 0 rulings against this President and his administration's unlawful actions, so it is fitting that one of the final acts this President will be remembered for is a court decision finding he violated the U.S. Constitution while trying to implement his failed government takeover of healthcare.”

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