Press Releases

U.S. Rep. Jason Smith’s Expanding Seniors Receiving Dialysis’ Choice Act advanced by the Ways and Means Committee

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Washington, DC, July 13, 2016 | comments
The Ways and Means Committee advanced Congressman Jason Smith’s bill, H.R. 5659, the Expanding Seniors Receiving Dialysis’ Choice Act of 2016, during a committee markup. Smith’s bill removes current government rules and restrictions preventing End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients from accessing more flexible and managed care plans targeted to those with chronic medical conditions.
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U.S. Rep. Jason Smith’s Expanding Seniors Receiving Dialysis’ Choice Act advanced by the Ways and Means Committee

H.R. 5659 increases insurance coverage options for those with serious Kidney Illness

Today, the Ways and Means Committee advanced Congressman Jason Smith’s bill, H.R. 5659, the Expanding Seniors Receiving Dialysis’ Choice Act of 2016, during a committee markup. Smith’s bill removes current government rules and restrictions preventing End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients from accessing more flexible and managed care plans targeted to those with chronic medical conditions.

After the Ways and Means Committee markup, Smith stated, “For too long, patients suffering from ESRD have been denied access to certain care and coverage options that they need the most. There are over 640,000 Americans, 11,000 of those in Missouri, diagnosed with ESRD that are in need of affordable and flexible high-quality care. I received several letters from folks back home in Missouri’s 8th Congressional with ESRD who are suffering from several chronic conditions and want the option to choose integrated care. My legislation will remove this unnecessary federal restriction and finally allow these patients to choose in the care options they want and deserve.”

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) said, "When Americans get sick, they need and deserve access to the right doctors and the right treatment at the most affordable cost. Unfortunately, current policies restrict some of our most vulnerable patients from receiving higher levels of managed care," said Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX)"Thanks to the leadership of Congressman Smith, the bipartisan ESRD Choice Act removes that restriction and helps make sure patients suffering from kidney failure have the same health care choices that all Medicare beneficiaries have."

Currently, more than 640,000 Americans live with Kidney failure, known as ESRD. Under the current system, patients with the pre-existing condition of ESRD are the only group specifically denied the ability to enroll in more flexible, integrated Medicare Advantage plans. These plans offer better integrated care, financial protections and flexibility for patients that suffer from chronic conditions like ESRD. Smith’s bill will allow ESRD patients to access the coverage plan of their choice without interference from the government.

After the Ways and Means Committee advanced Smith’s bill, Smith commented, “I want to thank my colleagues on the Committee for advancing my bill that will ensure that some of the most vulnerable Americans finally receive better care options. This is just one of the bipartisan solutions Americans deserve, and these are the types of solutions I hope to continue working with the Chairman and my colleagues in delivering as we work to improve our health care system.”

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