Press Releases

U.S. Rep. Smith Hosts Students from Crawford Electric Cooperative

Students participating in NRECA’s Youth Tour joined Smith on Capitol Hill

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Washington, DC, June 14, 2017 | comments

Today, Congressman Jason Smith hosted students from the Crawford Electric Cooperative participating in the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Youth Tour in Washington, D.C.

“I’m excited to host these outstanding young students and think it’s great that they have taken an interest in American history and civics,” said Congressman Smith. “I remember my first trip to Washington, and it had a lasting impact. It really helped me understand our civic duties as Americans and inspired me to serve and lead.”

NRECA’s Youth Tour is a national program where students apply and are selected to participate by their local electric cooperative. According to the NRECA, the purpose of the tour is for “students to gain a personal understanding of American history and their role as a citizen by meeting their Representative and Senators.”

Smith and the students discussed how Missouri residents get 83% of their energy from coal-fired power plants and Smith’s work with the Trump Administration to end Obama’s so-called Clean Power Plan.

“The cost of energy for Missourians would have skyrocketed if we didn’t stop the harmful regulations brought on by Obama’s Clean Power Plan,” said Congressman Smith. “President Trump’s team asked me to help identify regulations hurting rural America, and this was at the top of my list. I am very happy that the Trump Administration took action to rescind these rules.”

Smith also answered questions about what it’s like to work in Washington.

“It has been my honor to serve southeast and south central Missouri, and I learned quickly after being elected to Congress that the quickest and best way to make a difference is to build relationships with people and understand how you can accomplish your goals together,” said Congressman Smith.

Smith’s office has hosted NRECA’s Youth Tour participants every summer since he was elected four years ago. 

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