Weekly Capitol Report

Witch Hunt Continues

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Washington, November 1, 2019 | comments

"I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected."  — Rep. Al Green (D-TX)

Less than a year into President Trump’s administration, House Democrats were already voting on articles of impeachment. At the time it was because they were unable to accept the results of the 2016 election. Now, after watching their party’s primary debates, they know the only way they can beat the President is if they impeach him. That is why we have voted on impeachment three times already and why more and more Democrats support impeachment with every new vote. In December of 2017, there were 58 votes for impeachment but just over a month later there were 66 votes for impeachment. Then in May of this year, nearly 100 liberal lawmakers voted to impeach President Trump and this week, all but two Democrats supported continuing their impeachment investigation.

This impeachment obsession of Congressional Democrats comes with a steep cost borne by the American people. Their taxpayer funded U.S. House of Representatives remains more focused on politicking than delivering important policy achievements for Americans like securing our border, lowering energy prices, and reducing government waste. So far this year, House Democrats have authorized more subpoenas targeting the President’s administration than bills they have brought his desk. Under Speaker Pelosi’s broad impeachment mandate, Democrat leadership has hijacked congressional committees to further the scope of their partisan witch hunt.

On the House Ways and Means Committee, on which I proudly serve, we are tasked with some of the highest priorities in Congress. Issues such as easing the tax burden on American families, businesses, and farmers; lowering the cost of health care and prescription drugs; gaining critical market access for our farmers and producers; and finding ways to get people off the welfare rolls and into the workforce to grow our economy. Yet, the Democrats on our committee have chosen instead to vote nearly a dozen times to weaponize the IRS against Donald Trump. Their obsession with gaining access to his tax returns is wasting the taxpayers' precious time and limited resources.

Since Speaker Pelosi unilaterally announced her impeachment inquiry into the President, she has been running a soviet-style investigation that lacks any of the due process or constitutional protections that our judicial system is based on. During the investigation, Representative Adam Schiff, the Democrat Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, has denied over 300 Members of Congress, the White House, and the American People access to witnesses, deposition transcripts, and other internal documents. The only time that he has held a public hearing of these proceedings, he read a doctored transcript to purposely mislead the nation about President Trump’s actions. Further, he has refused to answer when he and his aides first heard from the so-called whistleblower and what information Schiff personally contributed to the official complaint.

I’ve consistently fought back against these attempts to overturn the results of the last election and expose the Left’s fear that they cannot beat our President in the upcoming elections. I voted to censure Adam Schiff for lying and misleading the American public and I have voted against every lousy liberal attempt to undermine our duly elected President. Again, this week, I voted against the latest attempt by the liberal majority in Washington to continue their impeachment proceedings against the President. While they are claiming the resolution they brought forward contains more transparency, it does nothing of the sort. Instead of empowering the American people, Nancy Pelosi has further emboldened Adam Schiff to assert additional control over all of the information and to shape the public narrative to achieve their predetermined verdict of impeachment.

Worst of all, while it is clear that no crime has been committed, Democrats are not any closer to ending this partisan charade. It’s only fitting that they voted to continue their witch hunt on Halloween.

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