Weekly Capitol Report

Impeachment Circus Finally Leaves Town

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Washington, February 7, 2020 | comments

Finally—after months of wild accusations, public testimony from 17 witnesses, unconstitutional tactics by Washington Democrats, and an outcome known long ago—the impeachment of President Donald Trump has fallen flat on its face. Even before the President was elected, the Washington political establishment had desperately tried to remove him, the Left first started talking impeachment nearly 1,200 days ago. From the fabricated claims of Russian collusion confirmed false by the Mueller report to the made-up bribery claims of Adam Schiff, I have stood firm with the President and the people of Missouri throughout all of this chaos and voted against any attempt by the Left to undermine our Commander-in-Chief.

The hatred people like Speaker Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden and the Democrat Establishment have for the President knows no bounds, and the State of the Union address proved it. As President Trump used his speech to the nation to celebrate America’s strength and applaud our comeback, Washington Democrats sat stiff as boards. Whether it was pledging to protect the health care rights of Americans with pre-existing conditions, preserving Social Security for seniors, or all-time low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans, every time the President delivered proof that our nation was stronger than ever, the Left showed no interest in celebrating our success. 

As the President concluded his speech by reminding the American people that our best days are still to come, Speaker Pelosi finally stood up. But instead of cheering for our nation, she dramatically ripped up her hand-delivered copy of President Trump’s speech. Her remarkable display of personal hatred was a disgrace to the Speakership, the House of Representatives, and the whole country. Worst of all, she was not only ripping up the President’s remarks, but she was destroying the words the President used to honor extraordinary Americans he invited as guests into the U.S. House of Representatives Chamber that night. Among those in the President’s box was General Charles McGee, a veteran who served our nation in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam and is one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen; Ellie Schneider, a two-year-old girl who was born at only 21 weeks old and is living proof of God’s love for innocent life; and Jody Jones, who brother Rocky was killed by a criminal alien because of California’s failed sanctuary state policy. Yet again, the Speaker allowed her hatred for the President to negatively impact the American people.

The irony in Speaker Pelosi’s actions at the State of the Union that evening was that less than 24 hours later the United States Senate put her sham Articles of impeachment through the shredder. The fabricated case she had built against the President finally came tumbling down like a house of cards when the Senate voted decisively to reject it. Now, with this latest impeachment attempt over after an astonishing 134 days wasted, I hope we can finally end the chaos, and restore order and sanity so Congress can get back to work. Combatting the opioid epidemic, lowering prescription drug prices, stemming the rising tide of student loan debt, and finally securing the southern border are issues everyone agrees need to be worked on. Finding solutions to them would instantly raise the quality of life for the hardworking farmers, families, and job creators in southern Missouri.

As I’ve said many times over the last five months: it’s time to once again put people before politics. I hope my friends on the other side—and the Speaker of the House—agree.

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