Weekly Capitol Report

Capitol Report: Defunding Planned Parenthood

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Washington, DC, August 14, 2015 | comments

By now, you have probably seen the disturbing undercover videos that show Planned Parenthood executives discussing how they sell body parts of unborn babies. It sickened and troubled me to hear administrators talking so callously about the dismemberment of babies – valuable, precious lives taken too soon. The videos were vile, and Planned Parenthood’s actions potentially violate federal law.

Everyone, especially our unborn, deserves better than these heartless acts. It is time for the Department of Justice to launch a full investigation of Planned Parenthood to hold its administrators accountable for immoral and potentially criminal conduct. In my outrage, I joined more than 100 colleagues in July, writing the United States Attorney General to request an “immediate and thorough investigation.”

We cannot count on the Obama administration to investigate Planned Parenthood, so Congress must take action. Currently, I have cosponsored two bills that would block all taxpayer dollars from supporting Planned Parenthood’s actions, or any organization that performs abortions. 

I will continue to fight against Planned Parenthood and its affiliates until they shift their priorities and work to protect women's health and the miracle of life. 


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