Weekly Capitol Report

The First 100 Days

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Washington, April 30, 2021 | comments

On Wednesday, Joe Biden gave a speech in the House chamber laying out his vision for America. The America Joe Biden described is not one I recognize, and if Joe Biden’s vision comes true, the values that have defined America will be forever lost. His address this past week stands in stark contrast to the inaugural address he gave just over 100 days ago, when he called for “unity” and “bipartisanship.” The reality is that this is one of the most partisan Administration’s this country has ever seen.

So far President Biden and the Washington Democrats have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they will judge their success based upon how much they can grow the size of government spending and the scope of Washington influence.  Unlike the party of Lincoln, they do not believe in strengthening the economy or the working class. In fact, Joe Biden’s policies would destroy over 3.5 million jobs combined, drive down wages by approximately $1,400 for hardworking Americans, and drive up the cost of living.

In his speech, Joe Biden laid out his third $2 trillion proposal. In addition to his budget, Joe Biden has proposed or enacted $7.5 trillion in spending, or $75 billion per day. To put that in perspective, this amount in total is equal to more than 5 years of our normal budget.

This is an insane level of spending. President Biden and his allies in Washington are out of control. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: in the 28 months Speaker Pelosi has been in charge since 2019, her party has added more to our country’s debt than Republicans added in 72 years of leading the institution. This level of spending is dangerous and can’t be sustained.

But it’s not only how much spending there is – the priorities are completely backwards as well. Instead of spending money to crush the virus and put shots in people’s arms, Washington Democrats spent 91 percent of their $1.9 trillion package on rewarding blue state allies and special interests. Instead of a package to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure, Washington Democrats are proposing to spend 87 percent of their $2.3 billion boondoggle on things like Medicaid expansion, the Green New Deal, and putting apartment buildings in residential neighborhoods.

Between shrinking your paycheck to fund wasteful government programs, driving up the cost of living to force Americans to choose between food on the table or medicine in the cabinet, violating your 2nd amendment rights, and dictating  your healthcare, it’s clear Joe Biden and the Washington Democrats want to control everything. Well, everything except for our southern border.

As Republican Leader of the Budget Committee, I am leading the effort to fight back against the administration’s efforts to empower Washington bureaucrats. The president has been trying to keep his spending plans hidden from the American people, but I’ve been leading my colleagues in demanding transparency so that the president fully details his spending and tax proposals.

This uncontrolled impulse on the part of President Biden and Washington Democrats undermines American competitiveness and security and threatens America’s working class. Even with the few details we’ve already seen, it’s clear this is the most radical attempt to force America to live by liberals’ values, and I won’t rest until we expose and stop this toxic agenda.

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