Weekly Capitol Report

The High Cost of Wasteful Spending

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Washington, May 21, 2021 | comments

Joe Biden has been in office for four months and already, we’ve had the Biden Border Crisis, the Biden Gas Crisis, and now we have the Biden Economic Crisis.

I have long said that government does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. But President Biden seems determined to make the spending problem much, much worse.

In his first 100 days in office, President Biden has enacted or proposed $7.5 TRILLION in spending – that’s $75 billion PER DAY. If Washington Democrats get their way, Congress will have enacted nearly $10 trillion in spending in a single year. To put that in perspective, that’s as much as the total combined wages paid to all American workers each year.

Emptying the pockets of American taxpayers to push their costly socialist policies – this is their agenda. In order to pay for their spending spree, Washington Democrats have proposed the largest tax increase in American history, which will lead to lower economic growth and job losses.

What is worse is how all this government spending is leading to inflation and higher costs of goods for American families.

In the four months since Joe Biden has been in office, the monthly inflation growth rate has gone up roughly 300 percent and the consumer price index, which tracks how much Americans are paying for household necessities, has increased 4.2 percent last month – the largest increase in almost 13 years.

In just the past few months, gas had already gone up nearly $0.50 a gallon, and that was BEFORE the gas shortage. Today, it’s reached a six-year high and the number is growing. And with President Biden’s radical policies threatening our energy independence, it’s only going to get worse.  

The cost of wheat is up 48 percent, the price of corn is up 126 percent, and the cost of lumber is up a whopping 373 percent. That’s certainly good for our timber harvesters, but for those looking to build a new home or working-class Americans who rely on construction for a living, this will make it harder to put food on the table.

Let’s be clear: these inflationary price increases are a direct result of President Biden’s massive tax, borrow, and spend agenda that caters to their far-left base while leaving working-class families to pay the bill. But inflation is just a tax increase on working families, and they will be the ones paying the bill when they buy gas for their trucks, groceries to put food on the table, or medicine for their cabinets.

And this sadly falls right in line with the Democrats’ playbook – as their policies make life harder, they’ll claim they need to spend even more and make families more dependent on the government in order to alleviate the pain. So in effect, these policies incentivize Washington bureaucrats to take greater command and control over the American people’s lives and livelihoods.

We need policies in Washington that empower the working class instead of rewarding special interest allies. The only people who seem to be benefiting right now from all of this spending are the elites and multinational corporations who make massive profits, while Main Street businesses are still recovering from lockdowns while facing massive tax hikes.  

Rest assured, I will fight every day in Washington to do just that. 

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