Weekly Capitol Report

Confirmed "Coincidence"

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Washington, DC, August 20, 2016 | comments
A secret mission carried out using an unmarked cargo plane carrying piles of currency acquired from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland. This sounds like a scene from a James Bond movie, but in fact this is an actual scene of a secret mission carried out under the Obama Administration.
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A secret mission carried out using an unmarked cargo plane carrying piles of currency acquired from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland. This sounds like a scene from a James Bond movie, but in fact this is an actual scene of a secret mission carried out under the Obama Administration. It was recently uncovered that the Obama Administration shipped $400 million dollars using an unmarked cargo plane to Iran. Shortly after this money was shipped to Iran, American hostages were released. Coincidence? I think not.

If the $400 million dollars was not being used to pay a ransom to Iran for the release of American hostages, then why did the money have to be flown to Iran on an unmarked cargo plane as a secret mission? If the Obama Administration was really using this money to settle a decades-old dispute over a failed arms deal signed before the 1979 fall of Iran’s last monarch like they claim, then why didn’t they just publically disclose that to the American people?  It seems like the Obama Administration went to great lengths to hide the spending of $400 million dollars. In fact, President Obama failed to disclose the spending of $400 million in a statement he gave at the White House on January 17th. Further, the Iranian commander of the Basij militia was quoted as saying that the money Iran exchanged with the U.S. “was in return for the release of American spies.”

After lying to the American public for almost seven months about how this top-secret $400 million was used, the Obama Administration finally confirmed yesterday that they did in fact use this $400 million to pay a ransom to Iran for the release of American hostages. This comes as no surprise to me because the Obama Administration continues to betray public trust. This ransom payment is a direct violation of the U.S. policy to not pay ransoms in order to discourage future hostage situations. What is alarming is that the Obama Administration has vehemently denied requests by Congress to disclose just how they spent a total of $1.7 billion dollars to Iran by the U.S. It is outrageous that the Obama Administration has out right lied to Americans for almost seven months about paying a ransom to Iran. American security is now in danger because of the actions of the Obama Administration.

It is no surprise that the Iranian’s are suspected of this $1.7 billion package to build up their own military. In fact, John Brennan, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said that they have found evidence that Iran has used the money it has received from the U.S. to “build up its infrastructure.” In other words, the U.S. is basically funding the dangerous Iranian military through funds approved by the Obama Administration.

This is completely unacceptable and infuriating especially because we already know how unaccountable the Obama Administration agencies and departments have been on a number of other issues. However, the U.S. should under NO circumstance enter into agreements with our enemies because that threatens American security, and the payment of ransom to Iran is a direct violation of our long-standing military policy to not pay ransom to countries that engage in terrorism. Last year, I voiced my opposition and then voted against the dangerous Iran Deal because it is clear that Iran is not a friend of the United States.  Unfortunately, just as anyone with common sense would have predicted, lifting sanctions in Iran and providing them with resources is essentially rewarding bad behavior and condoning acts of terrorism. Again and again the Obama Administration has failed Americans and put our security at risk. They have lied to Americans for seven months about this issue, and potentially jeopardized our security in any number of ways. At a time when the U.S. needs to be projecting strength for our people and our allies, current American leadership has failed them and the only response is to present a "coincidence". We can and must do better, and as we were once told - let's hope for change.

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