Congressman Smith Voices Opposition to National Blueways SystemToday, Congressman Jason Smith sent a letter to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell expressing his serious concerns over Secretarial Order 3321, the National Blueways System. Smith said the mandated designation would impact families in Missouri’s Eighth Congressional District. Click HERE to see Smith’s letter to Secretary Jewell. “This new designation will directly impact numerous areas located in Missouri’s Eighth Congressional District. Not the least of which is the Current and Jacks Fork Rivers which make up the Ozark National Scenic Riverways,” said Smith. The waters that flow through this part of our state are a vital part of the local culture and tradition to the people that live and work along them. They are also the life blood of the local economies.” Smith also voiced strong concern over the lack of local input on the legislation. “It is very disturbing to me that any federal agency would attempt to implement any type of initiative with open ended guidelines and no Congressional oversight that could potentially harm the hard working Missourians that I represent. I have serious concerns over the apparent attempt by your agency to call this a “local initiative” while local groups and governments in Southern Missouri have been excluded in this process,” said Smith. “The absence of transparency by your agency on this issue has only fueled local concerns that this is nothing more than an attempt by a federal agency to gain more control over the designated watersheds.” Smith asked Secretary Jewell to rescind the National Blueways designation. “It is my strong opinion that no such programs should be created without Congressional consideration and extensive input from the local areas impacted. I urge you to rescind Secretarial Order 3321, the National Blueways System immediately,” urged Smith. |