Press Releases

Congressman Jason Smith Joins Republican Study Committee

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Washington, DC, June 25, 2013 | comments

Today, Congressman Jason Smith announced he has joined the Republican Study Committee (RSC). The Republican Study Committee is a group of 173 House Republicans organized for the purpose of advancing a conservative social and economic agenda in the House of Representatives.

“The Republican Study Committee is at the forefront of advancing conservative ideas and principles in the House of Representatives.  As a member of RSC I look forward to working with like-minded representatives to reform regulations, defend traditional values and advance pro-growth policies that will grow the economy and let the private sector create jobs,” said Smith.

Republican Study Committee Chairman Steve Scalise welcomed Smith to RSC.

“It’s an honor to welcome Jason Smith as our newest Member of the Republican Study Committee, and I look forward to utilizing his passion and leadership to advance our conservative agenda of implementing common-sense solutions to the problems facing our nation,” Scalise said.  “The Republican Study Committee is the conservative rudder of the House of Representatives, and Jason's proven conservative record will help us continue to fulfill that objective.  Jason joins a strong group of Missourians in RSC, and I know he’ll work every day to protect American jobs and secure the American Dream for future generations.”

Republican Study Committee Background:

The Republican Study Committee is dedicated to a limited and Constitutional role for the federal government, a strong national defense, the protection of individual and property rights, and the preservation of traditional family values. The group has played a major role in key policy areas including budget, appropriations, taxes, education, Social Security reform, defense, deregulation, and general government reform. The Republican Study Committee is an independent research arm for Republicans.


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