Weekly Capitol Report

The Sanctity of Life

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Washington, DC, January 21, 2017 | comments

January 22nd marks the 44th anniversary of the Supreme Court Ruling that has left over 59 million and counting dead - Roe v. Wade. On January 27th, thousands of people around the country will participate in the March for Life to serve as a voice for those who weren’t given a choice to live. This year’s theme, The Power of One, is centered around the idea that one person can make a difference in the world, whether in the life of one or the life of many. I admire the conviction of all of the advocates who have journeyed far and wide to our nation’s Capital to stand up for the belief that I share that life begins at conception.

We are in a critical moment in our nation’s history where we have the opportunity to promote pro-life initiatives that are supported by millions of Americans. One of the reasons I supported President Trump during his run for the White House, and one of the reasons millions were overcome with emotion during his swearing in, was his commitment to lead in the fight for life and advancing policies that make America a place where unborn children and their mothers are treated with compassion and justice. During my time in Congress I have never wavered from my firm belief that life is precious and must be supported. I share this belief with President Trump and look forward to working along-side him to advance some of the pro-life goals he has outlined.

One of our new President’s early acts will be nominating a justice to replace the conservative stalwart, the late Justice Antonin Scalia. I support President Trump’s commitment to nominating pro-life justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. Having pro-life justices that recognize the danger of abortion to both women and their babies is critical. President Trump must use his power of nomination to put forth the name of a conservative justice who will honor the legacy and balance to the court that Justice Scalia brought so that we can fight to make the court a place where the life of the unborn is fully protected. I share in President Trump’s commitment to ending heinous late-term abortions nationwide through enactment of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This will ensure that no innocent child has to suffer the excruciating pain from dismemberment abortion. I share President Trump’s commitment to ending taxpayer funding of the abortion industry. Taxpayers should not be footing the bill for places that kill over 320,000 babies every year. In addition I have supported measures which ban abortions based on gender as well as supporting an American’s right to object to healthcare coverage that also covers abortion services.

Working with our new President, we can accomplish our goals to protect the sanctity of life that thousands of people around the country will be marching for on Friday.  Although we cannot bring back the nearly 59 million innocent lives that have been tragically taken over the past 44 years, we can fight to ensure that all children have a chance at life. Every child is a miracle from God and I am hopeful that with the advancement of the pro-life movement each and every one of these miracles will have a chance to live the life God has planned for them.

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