Press Releases

Congressman Jason Smith's Statement on new Obamacare Coverage Report in MIssouri

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Washington, DC, August 30, 2016 | comments

U.S. Rep. Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement regarding a new report showing that an estimated 85 percent of Missouri counties could have only one Obamacare insurer in 2017:

“Six years ago, when Obamacare was signed into law the President promised that this plan would provide more affordable health care options for Americans. Six years later, Obamacare continues to fail Americans by providing fewer health care options and costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. Preliminary data show the result of this disastrous plan will leave most families across Missouri with only one choice for health insurance,” said Smith. Smith continued, 26 of the 30 counties in our Congressional district are estimated to only offer one insurance option.  When the market place fails to offer adequate competition, hardworking families lose millions of dollars and their ability to receive affordable and high-quality health care insurance is diminished. President Obama’s refusal to accept reasonable changes to his namesake health care law shows that he cares more about protecting his legacy over the interests of hardworking Americans. The people across Missouri and the nation are paying the price. There’s a better way to approach health care, and House Republicans have proposed sweeping overhauls that will actually increase competition, offer more choices, and lower costs by cutting bureaucratic red tape instead of creating more requirements, complexities, and barriers between you and your doctor.”  

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