News List

Pelosi's Hostage Negotiation

Earlier this summer, President Biden walked out of the White House touting the success of negotiating a “bipartisan” infrastructure deal amongst a handful of U.S. Senators. Mere hours later, Nancy Pelosi muzzled their celebration. Instead, Speaker Pelosi made clear that she viewed the infrastructure bill as nothing more than a political tool that she could use to pass a laundry list of liberal priorities to appease the progressive flank by spending trillions more of Americans’ tax dollars on a m...

Dems In Debt

When I decided to seek the job of Republican Leader of the Budget Committee, I did so because our country desperately needs to get its fiscal house in order. Spending and deficits have exploded under both parties, yet every time there is a fiscal crisis, Washington politicians fail to do anything that will prevent these crises from reoccurring in the future. Now, our country is spending so much more than we take in that we have reached our legal limit on debt, known as the debt ceiling, and are ...

Washington Democrats Block Smith Plan to Stop Green New Deal Corporate Welfare

WASHINGTON, DC – During the Ways and Means Committee markup of the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending and tax increase package, Congressman Jason Smith offered the No Corporate Welfare Amendment. This provision would have prevented any big business with an annual income over $5 million from receiving a tax credit on their commercial electric vehicle (EV). “After years of hearing Washington Democrats boldly proclaim that we need to eliminate loopholes in the tax code, and that the rich and corpora...

Constant Crisis

This Administration can be summed up in one word: Crisis. In less than a year, as a direct result of his own policies, Joe Biden has turned our country from an economic powerhouse into a perpetual inflation state. Our country is less secure than ever before: our borders have been overrun, our country is dependent on foreign countries for our energy needs, and America’s enemies have been emboldened by our disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. But I fear this is just the tip of the iceberg. The disas...

Washington Democrats Block Smith Plan to Prevent Government Benefits From Going To The Rich

WASHINGTON, DC – During the Ways and Means Committee markup of the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending and tax package, Congressman Jason Smith offered the Helping Hardworking Families Amendment that prevents government benefits from going to families with incomes up to $500,000 a year. “For four years, I worked closely with Ivanka Trump to try to ensure Missouri families could have paid leave if they had a child, got sick, or needed to care for a loved one,” said Rep. Jason Smith. “But Washington...

Rep. Smith Blasts Ozark National Scenic Riverways Proposed Plan for Roads and Trails

VAN BUREN, MO – On August 18, Congressman Jason Smith submitted official comments for the record expressing concern about the Ozark National Scenic Riverways (ONSR) proposed Roads and Trails Plan Preliminary Alternatives (R&T Plan). In his comments, he noted this proposal could reduce trails and limit access points inhibiting full enjoyment of the park for all visitors. Smith’s comments indicate the proposal fails to meet the needs of some of ONSR’s most frequent and loyal patrons. “Long before ...

Joe Biden’s Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate

This week in Washington, Joe Biden rolled out the single-most outrageous, unconstitutional expansion of the federal government’s power in my lifetime, announcing his administration will require private employers to mandate vaccines for all their employees. He did this unilaterally, without Congress providing a single shred of legislative authority for this action and despite many states prohibiting such mandates. Essentially, he told the American people to give up their individual liberties or t...

Failure of Duty

After the unfolding disaster that we have all witnessed in Afghanistan, the American people expect – and the families of the Marines who were killed deserve – accountability for such catastrophic failures. Tens of billions of dollars in equipment were left for the Taliban. Rooftop helicopter evacuations were required at our own Embassy. American citizens were abandoned and told to fend for themselves. 13 Marines were murdered by terrorists. But not one person has been removed from their position...

Bernie's Budget

Biden’s Inflation Crisis. Biden’s Border Crisis. Biden’s Energy Crisis. Biden’s Afghanistan Crisis. Since President Biden came to office, his administration’s policies have led to serious challenges for our country. This week, Washington Democrats jammed through a budget that will only make each of these crises worse and in doing so provided the most stark example yet that Nancy Pelosi treats the People’s House like it’s her personal palace. Unfortunately for the American people, her deceit mean...


The situation we have watched over the last week in Afghanistan is heartbreaking, and I’m praying for the American troops, and personnel, and families who remain in harm’s way. Twenty years is long enough to have been in Afghanistan, but it is unthinkable to me that as America worked to end one of our longest wars, that this administration could have been so catastrophically unprepared for the crisis that is following. If any Missouri families have loved ones who are currently stuck in Afghanist...

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