News List

Standing With Israel

If there’s one thing that should unify this country, it’s support for our allies who have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with us to confront terrorists who seek destruction over prosperity. Over the past few weeks, our closest ally in the Middle East – Israel – has been bombarded by nearly 3,500 rockets launched into their country by Hamas, a known terrorist group supported by Iran. This is a moment that requires our country to speak with one voice against Hamas and in defense of Israel’s basic righ...

Rep. Jason Smith Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Ensure Rural Telehealth Access for Seniors

Washington, D.C. – This week, Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) and Congressman Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) introduced the Permanency for Audio-Only Telehealth Act, legislation to help ensure Medicare recipients who cannot access the video component during telehealth visits are able to access care through audio-only. “The COVID-19 pandemic required the U.S. healthcare system to innovate and embrace every viable method of healthcare delivery. For patients in rural areas back home in Missouri, none have b...

The High Cost of Wasteful Spending

Joe Biden has been in office for four months and already, we’ve had the Biden Border Crisis, the Biden Gas Crisis, and now we have the Biden Economic Crisis. I have long said that government does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. But President Biden seems determined to make the spending problem much, much worse. In his first 100 days in office, President Biden has enacted or proposed $7.5 TRILLION in spending – that’s $75 billion PER DAY. If Washington Democrats get their wa...

My Trip To Biden's Border

This past week I joined a congressional delegation down to the U.S./Mexico border to see what was happening for myself. Let me tell you: there’s a big difference between hearing about the border crisis on the news and seeing it with your own eyes. What has happened should anger everyone, regardless of political belief. Before I went, I thought the Biden administration was pursuing a policy of open borders – but I realized on my trip this administration is acting like there is no border at all. O...

Big Tech, Big Problems

For as long as I can remember, as Missourians, one of our biggest fears has been Washington bureaucrats empowered to insert themselves into our way of life. But now, we face a new threat of censorship and control from Big Tech companies. Big Tech CEOs have designated themselves as the judge, jury, and executioners of Free Speech. Any doubts regarding their power were erased this week as the social media giant Facebook decided to uphold its ban on President Donald Trump. As Washington Democrats a...

Rep. Jason Smith Ranked as Top Conservative In the Missouri Delegation

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) was awarded the highest score in the Missouri congressional delegation on the American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF) 2020 ratings for Congress. ACUF uses its ratings to help voters and activists identify which lawmakers are best upholding conservative principles. “It is an honor to be recognized by the American Conservative Union, an organization that has been at the forefront of the conservative movement for decades,” said Rep. Jason Smit...

The First 100 Days

On Wednesday, Joe Biden gave a speech in the House chamber laying out his vision for America. The America Joe Biden described is not one I recognize, and if Joe Biden’s vision comes true, the values that have defined America will be forever lost. His address this past week stands in stark contrast to the inaugural address he gave just over 100 days ago, when he called for “unity” and “bipartisanship.” The reality is that this is one of the most partisan Administration’s this country has ever see...

Smith, Katko Call for Greater Transparency from the Biden Administration on the Cost of its Border Crisis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) and House Homeland Security Committee Republican Leader John Katko (NY-24) sent a letter today to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) calling on the Biden Administration to be clear and transparent with Congress and the American people about how many hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars the Administration’s border crisis is costing American taxpayers, particularly given the increasing likelihood th...

Rules For Thee, Not For Me

Since Joe Biden was sworn in, Washington Democrats have shown they’re willing to change any rule, violate any precedent, or do whatever it takes in order to get their way. Their agenda rewards their friends, donors, and special interest allies, and punishes those who supported Donald Trump. As long as it increases their power and control over working class Americans, they will do it. Democrats have the majority in both the House and Senate, but it’s razor thin. Knowing some Democrats don’t suppo...

Sen. Lee, Rep. Smith Lead Letter to CDC on Face Mask Guidance for Kids

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) today led 30 of their colleagues in sending a bicameral letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requesting information on how the agency determined its guidance for children aged two years and older to wear face masks to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The Members of Congress wrote in part: “The implementation of these recommendations has had serious consequences for some Americans. Multiple parents of young ch...

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