News List

Smith Helps Secure Funding for Poplar Bluff Municipal Airport

POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. – Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) helped to secure $69,000 in new funding for Popular Bluff Municipal Airport. This funding, part of the CARES Act, will help the airport address its immediate needs in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. After the grant was announced, Congressman Smith spoke about how he’s fought to include rural priorities in the government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, including much needed investments for southern Missouri’s infrastructure. “Since ...

Glimmers of Hope

Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, our entire nation has been impacted on a scale not seen for generations. While the country has been upended by this massive disruption to our daily lives, I’ve constantly reminded Congressional Leaders and the White House about the unique needs of our rural communities. I’ve shared with them concerns I’ve heard directly from our medical providers, farmers, family businesses, and veterans across southern Missouri. Thankfully, the Trump Administrat...

Keeping Our Faith

During this coronavirus outbreak, our rural communities face unique challenges and require a different response than urban and suburban centers around the country. Unfortunately, these needs are not often understood in Washington. Whether it’s providing immediate and targeted relief for our farmers and ranchers, increasing funding for rural hospitals and health clinics fighting on the frontlines, or expanding zero to low-interest loans for local businesses, I have made it clear to Congress and t...

Trump Implements Smith’s Request to Allow Telehealth Access in Rural Areas

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) praised the Trump Administration’s updated Medicare guidance announced on Monday, which will permit health care providers to evaluate seniors over the telephone instead of in person or requiring a video conference. Smith has been urging the Administration to make this change to Medicare’s telehealth requirements after hearing concerns from rural health care providers. Two weeks ago, Congressman Smith held a call with 50 health care providers, docto...

Playing Politics with Coronavirus

The Green New Deal, solar energy tax credits, federalizing local elections, corporate board diversity requirements, and emission standards for airlines. What do you all of these things have common? They have absolutely nothing to do with the coronavirus outbreak, yet they were the top concerns for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi this week. For over a month the coronavirus has ravaged the United States, and when you are reading this column is likely to have infected over 100,000 Americans and c...

Smith Outlines for USDA Policies to Help Farmers Immediately

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) provided a list of policies to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Sonny Perdue on Wednesday to help farmers and producers in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The proposal outlined what executive steps the Trump Administration can take and what policies they can support to ease the burden on farmers during this difficult time. The proposal included numerous ideas Smith gathered from conference calls he has held with individuals thr...

Trump Executive Action Begins Implementation of Smith Price Gouging Bill

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) applauded President Trump’s decision to sign an executive order on Monday going after individuals intentionally manipulating the supply of vital medical materials and equipment—such as masks and ventilators—in order to turn a profit. Rep. Smith previously introduced the Preventing Pandemic Profiting Act, a bipartisan bill to ensure hard-working families are protected from price gouging during a national emergency. He also stressed that it is import...

An Invisible Enemy

Over the past week, the severity of risk posed to our country by the coronavirus outbreak came into sharp focus. President Trump has held daily briefings from the White House with Vice President Pence and a slew of leading experts from around the federal government to keep the American people constantly informed. In a sign of just how serious the President is taking the threat we face; he said this week that we are at “war” with an “invisible enemy.” It’s true. The White House has gone into over...

Rep. Smith Pushes for Rural Relief Coronavirus Response

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) is urging Congressional Leaders and the White House to include his “Rural Relief” package of proposals in upcoming legislative responses to the coronavirus pandemic. Smith wants to ensure that the federal government is responsive to the challenges facing rural communities and has shared dozens of policy proposals with leaders and the Administration to help rural Missourians. On Thursday, Congressman Smith held a conference call with 50 health care ...

Smith Introduces Bill to Protect Missouri Consumers

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) introduced the Preventing Pandemic Profiting Act to ensure hard-working families are protected from price gouging of medical and non-medical essentials with the outbreak of coronavirus. Protecting American consumers from price gouging is a focus of President Donald Trump and his administration. During a press conference at the White House on February 26, President Trump said his administration would “definitely investigate” any reports of price gou...

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