News List

Declawing the Deep State

In 2016, the James Comey-led Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) obtained warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign using highly questionable and provably false evidence. While we’ve known that this was little more than a partisan witch hunt, a government report published at the end of last year exposed the Comey-led FBI’s gross negligence for what it was. This was a hit job carried about by bureaucrats who were trying to prevent then candidate Donald Trump from being elected. The report’s finding...

Restoring Law and Order

President Trump’s work to secure our borders, build a wall, and restore the rule of law across our county has energized millions of Americans since he became President. However, his efforts to keep American families safe have continually been undermined by cities which flagrantly disregard our country’s illegal immigration laws and serve as “Sanctuary Cities” for illegal immigrants seeking a safe hide-away. This week, the federal courts reaffirmed the President’s right to withhold all federal ta...

[IN THE NEWS] GOP congressman describes rural Missouri hospital closings as unacceptable (Missourinet)

Rural healthcare is often scarce and underresourced. Our communities are often neglected while money is thrown into metropolitan areas along the coasts. This is simply unacceptable when rural health providers can be the only lifelines available to patients for miles and miles around. I’ve worked hard to expand access to rural healthcare and make sure our sick and elderly receive the care they deserve. Read the full article here.

A Time for Clarity

Since the coronavirus outbreak began in China, misleading information has swirled in the media. Data and statistics have been shared without any context; rumors and speculation have been presented as absolute truths. The New York Times has already labeled it the “TrumpVirus.” When the Left’s hatred of the President is more important to them than letting clear and straightforward facts get to the American people, panic creeps in and everyone is hurt. To set some of the false claims straight, Pres...

[IN THE NEWS] Smith is important ally for Trump White House (Southeast Missourian)

I sat down with Lucas Presson, assistant publisher of the Cape Girardeau newspaper Southeast Missourian, for a wide-ranging interview about my work to support President Trump’s legislative agenda. I know that the President is a champion for the people of southern Missouri, and I have worked hard to help his legislative agenda pass in Congress. Together, we have cut taxes for middle-class families, fought for rational strategies to lower the cost of prescription drugs, and fought to open global m...

Fighting for a Healthy Future

Recently, I visited Washington County Memorial Hospital (WCMH) to meet with hospital leaders and community members who rely on the day-to-day services of the hospital to discuss how to improve access to care and how best to keep costs down for working families. WCMH does an outstanding job providing quality care to their community, but they face many challenges in doing so. They aren’t alone. Many other hospitals and healthcare facilities around southern Missouri face the same challenges, and pa...

[IN THE NEWS] U.S. director of drug control policy discusses drug addiction while in Cape (Southeast Missourian)

James Carroll, the White House Director of National Drug Control Policy recently visited our District to meet with Governor Parson and me. We discussed the impact of drug addiction and how to expand rural health access in our community with law enforcement professionals and health experts. Since 2010, over 100 rural hospitals have closed in the United States, some of them in our area. Rural hospital closures are often associated with an increase in an area’s mortality rate – in short: people die...

No Budget, No Values

The reason the controlling political party in Congress produces a budget for the federal government every spring is to lay out their priorities for the next ten years, to set spending levels for the numerous federal agencies, and to share those numbers and ideas with the American people. As a sitting Member of the House of Representatives Budget Committee, I can attest that when Republicans were in the majority, we produced a budget every year (and we continue to do so in the Minority). Nancy Pe...

[IN THE NEWS] Missouri Congressman Smith pleased with fentanyl vote and State of the Union Address (Missourinet)

A few weeks ago, I was privileged to attend and listen to the President give the State of the Union Address. His address to the nation was one of the best speeches I’ve ever heard, and his message was simple: America is stronger today than it was prior to him taking office. I’m also pleased that the President signed into law a bill I supported to empower law enforcement to keep opioid products out of our communities. This will keep our communities safe and clean and help our law enforcement take...

Impeachment Circus Finally Leaves Town

Finally—after months of wild accusations, public testimony from 17 witnesses, unconstitutional tactics by Washington Democrats, and an outcome known long ago—the impeachment of President Donald Trump has fallen flat on its face. Even before the President was elected, the Washington political establishment had desperately tried to remove him, the Left first started talking impeachment nearly 1,200 days ago. From the fabricated claims of Russian collusion confirmed false by the Mueller report to t...

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